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Quartz Bathton-Lynch will be the top of the wild horse in the next game

Paxton Lynch finally had the opportunity to become a quarter of Denver wild horse, and this time he had a chance to stay in this location for a long time.

The 2016 first-round show quarter-off will complete the first first time this season in the game against the Auckland raid.

Lynch has been replaced by Trevor Siemian in a rookie season. During the injury, cheap nfl jerseys from china Linqi was started to have a 2 game during the injury. But this time Linqi still only looks to Simi’an’s substitute.

Now, from the next game, Lin Qi will have the opportunity to prove that he is the future of the wild horse.

Lynch missed this opportunity in the summer, and he failed to compete in Simmita in the training camp. When the race in the early season, Linqi is recovering from the right shoulder injury. The past three games proved that the BROCK OSWEILER, which has been replaced by West Mi’an, is also not the team’s future candidates. Lynch is ready to take over the team attack.

This will be one of the most worthy of the most interesting story when this season is gradually ending. The wild horses have suffered 6 links. They have just fired attack coordinators. General Manager Elvi publicly criticized the team “weak”. Now they let a second-year quarter-saving head that hopes to become a team signboard player.

There are five opponents in the final 6 games in the season. In the next game, Linqi will face a raid attack that has not yet been copied this season. If the surplus competition in the season is not good, then the wild horse in next year may be looking for wholesale nfl jerseys a new quarter-saving and new offensive coordinator.