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Kobe Trainer Criticize Griffin II Training Method

Perhaps Magic Johnson is a week ago, Washington Red Piece Quadrota Solibert Griffin III should stop the photo of its strength training on the tweet.

“I don’t want to see him on the tweet,” Johnson said, “I don’t want to see how he talks about his strength training, because his physical fitness is great, he should show everyone is that he is Rugby technology improvement, how to become a better quarterfield. “

However, if you don’t expect it, Greenfen II did not listen to the advice from the magician. He recently released a photo of his own training. We can’t know if the rope tied to the tire will help him on the ankle, cheap jerseys but there is a person is the authority of this, he is once to Michael Jordan, Kobe Branet (Kobe Branyt) Tim Grover, trainer Tim Grove, Dwyne Wade.

Groth said through Text, in view of the injury of Griffin, this tire training is very bad, because it will bring too much pressure to the ankle, knee, and hips, wholesale nfl jerseys make the abdomen and hips The muscle is in a wrong way and will eventually affect the quality of the pass.