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For the anti-discipline of raid, ask the ball to take a holiday

On April 21, Beijing, as the first time, the general manager of the team was first responsible for the draft, he narrowed the number of people who could get the team confidential information.

On the surface, this decision of the raid man management is unusual, especially if they lack the experience of draft, and this draft is very important for the team. However, before the NFL TV network, the NFL team is not surprising.

After the game, the Cool Cool Cook realized that he was wrong, expressed his apology through the media: “I was a little imbalance at the time, the opportunity of the game reversed, but didn’t catch it, I feel like a sinner. I pushed The behavior of the teammates is undoubtedly a mistake. There is no excuse, here I have to apologize to everyone. At the same time, I would also like to thank my teammates to my support, especially Austin Davis and William – Hayes I have to thank the team and fans to our support, we will continue to go all out, do not live up to everyone’s expectations. “

It is reported that Peterson is ready to store this dress in its own room. Last year Peterson encountered in a charitable golf game, and Pitters told Jordan’s cooler one of the cooles in his heart was Jordan himself.

Jarid Cook apologizes for the behavior of our teammates

The St. Louis ram is a leading 21 points in the Dallas Cowgirl in this Sunday. The competition was conducted to the fourth section of the key moments of the ram, Jared Cook, who was “butter hand”, did not pick up the passing of this easily, missed the close at hand. Opportunity, indirectly leads to the failure of the team.

Fraco’s salary cap space in 2016 will jump to $ 28.55 million, and then in 2017, this figure will continue to rise to $ 311.5 million. The number of wage capsules in the last year of the contract is $ 24.75 million.

This season, Gore completed the individual 961 yard in the case of the horses. His career has spent 49 people and pony in San Francisco, and we don’t know what to make a decision, but at least he completed a milestone.

In a conference call with a season’s holder on Wednesday, the team owner Steve Steve Bisciott is very confident that the Vlaco will “very willing” accept the reconstruction contract. But rebuilding the contract is easy, Http://Naturalfieldssolutions.Com.Au/ because any salary that transforms to sign a bonus will be divided into three years. In addition, the number of wage caps in 2017 has reached $ 311.5 million, and the salary capsule space occupied by 2016 will only allow the 2017 wage hat to be much more than $ 30 million.

The more you want to go back to the court, the more depressed, the emotions are somewhat out of control, and the active hit of Austin Davis is not only responding, but in turn to the side of Davis. At this time, the rear of the Ruk’s defensive end William-Hayes, who took the Kuc’s neck collar, was severely criticized to him. It is worth mentioning that the other four-point guards of Davis Competitors, Shaun Hill, who was excited to see this, and the atmosphere of the team was intriguing.

Therefore, the crow will need to agree to the Frach. This means that Fraco has once again occupied the advantage. If he said, “No, I am satisfied with my contract,” the crow will add code to the new contract or cut him?

The crow put more than half of the salary in the first three years of this contract, and the three-year wage hat was constructed in the same way as very easy to handle: US $ 6.8 million in 2013, $ 14.555 million in 2014.

The view of Gil Brandt, who was responsible for Dallas denim players, is more interesting. He said that although the cowboy will not clean up the team, it will embed the trap for members who do not trust. They have deliberately seeing a untrustworthy scouting to pick a player who doesn’t like it. Two days later, a team of cowboy reported that the denim would pick this player. The player, Mike Mike, Mike Junkin, was selected by Cleveland Brown to select the first round of the 1987 election. And although Brown ball is only worth two rounds, Brown coach still made a decision to pick him. In the end, Jiang Jin was just 20 games for Brown, including 7 games.

Career coal 35-50-1, it is not too bright to enter the playoffs. However, some people should want Grobe to serve as an offensive cochor, served as a red skin coach, Grunette has made a 3-year offensive coordinator in Tiger.

1 year agoThe raid people have three first-round draft privileges in this year’s draft (Chapter 4, 24th and 27th, and there are many vulnerabilities in their arrays to fill. There are rumors they are willing to use the 4th time to choose anything to do anything, including the Up Trading, trading down or pick four-point guard. The raids also have the second round of the third time, which makes them four draft privileges in the head 35.

The official website shows that they have 14 employees in the player assessment department, not everyone is scouting. Schwen Herock, the leader of the Association, Herock, who was emerging in Reggie Mckenzie, employed in 2012 and was fired after McKinsey was fired after being fired in McKinsea.