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Although Todd Gurley and Gaoff are also MVP Popular candidates, Donald’s data is not inferior. 12 games, he has completed 16.5 times, it is very likely to break through the 1989 Weith Millard Kius Mili (18), and there is also an opportunity to shock Full location (22.5, Michael Strahan, Michael Strahan)

After a large number of public opinion supports the punishment of Shelman, people think that such behavior should not appear on the court. Because the playback of the video can be seen that Sherman is positioned to the knee position of Kakart, this is at least 15 yards of the penalty, but actually the referee only gives 5 yards.

Macquarieben season has been plagued by the injury of the leg gluten, and the first 3 weeks totaled only 146 yards, and the ball was 83 yards. This week’s team arranged its troops, intended to give him a more sufficient time to restore injuries. Karlos Williams will become the team’s first run from this week.

The head coach Sean Mcvay said: “He can force the ball to transform, drive the team at the most critical moment. This is exactly in all, this excellent competitive heart, let him go in the ball When the team needs, he has played the best ability. He is like the epitome of our defensive group, and is also a representative of the team. “

Wild Pavilion is abandoned in the brothers

On September 15, Beijing time, a focus battle in the Melan West is unfolded between Danfo Yam and Kansas. Before the game, the two teams discarded the card slowly went to the field. It turns out that two of them are brothers. Before the game, each with his family left a precious photo.

Bill two generals to determine this week

Buffalo’s offensive group injury, local time on Friday, the team officially announced, running David Shane-McCoy, Sammy Watkins, will be absent This week with the New York giant game.

NHF back in Beijing

Welcome to NFL Home Field! NFL Home Field provides a home base for football fans in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, complete with family-friendly interactive football activities, on-field training clinics and live tackle football games featuring local teams and local food vendors. This Year & RSQUO; S NFL HOME Field Promises To Be Another NFL Hall of Fame Legend. Come out with your friends and enjoy a free day of fun, food and football!

Dustin Colquitt and Britton Colquitt is a pair of brothers, buddy born on May 6, 1982, is 32 years old; brother Briton is born On March 20, 1985, 29 years old. The Kukuite brothers love football very much, and the same truth will abandon the player. He has entered the same high school effectiveness, and the university where the homeland in his hometown is added to the university & mdash; & mdash; Tennessee University, the two are Tennessee Volunteer Team (Tennessee) The main force of Volunteer abandoned.

In the past three games, Donald completed 6.5 killing, 3 times forced the ball. He himself said: “In the key position of the critical competition, stand up and complete the key defense, this is what we need to continue.”

However, the US Time Thursday gave a penalties and will give the punishment of Sherman’s $ 9,000. Shelman’s income was $ 15 million. Obviously 9,000 US fines were unsaudited, but there were few players who did not receive illegal penalties after they were fined, and the US time Monday did not Sherman’s behavior gives new comments.

Richard-Shelman was fined $ 9,000 due to hitting players

Seattle Hawks’ corner Wei Richard Sherman seems to have can’t escape the punishment of the alliance in the fetch of the game against the battleford.

In 2005, Give Dasstine was selected into Cheap nfl jerseys by the Chief of Kansas City, serving as a sick. Four years later, in the 2009 draft election, Brigad of the first lineup of the Southeast Federation (SEC) was also successfully succeeded in the Denver Mangma team. At this point, the Kuiki family has born two NFL levels. The two-person team of brothers in the Menian West District, each year has a chance to meet at least twice. After entering NFL in 2009, it will leave a photo as a commemoration each time two people meet. In the past five years, the two left a dozen a photo, and more people around me. At present, my brother has five children, the brother has two children. Looking at this two brothers who have love, the photographer couldn’t help but take this warm instant.

At the time, Bill tried to try 3 shots, Sherman moved in advance, the arm blocked Dan Carpenter, the result is that the behavior of Shelman was sentenced to the site, Cagpete was injured, Bill The second shot is still biased.

“Mr. Elvi (John Elway, General Manager of Wild Hema), asked me to talk. We are very happy, do not do it, so I am very grateful to me. I am really shocked & hellip; & hellip; Of course, it is also very disappointed, no one wants this situation. I know that everyone is working hard, and Mr. Alvi is also the same. He just think this can help the wild horses. & Hellip; & hellip; for me, this is just Another chapter of life, new opportunity, overcoming the opportunity of trouble in life. “