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The crow is currently in the corner guard. The depth is limited. Only three are listed: Jimmy Smith (Jimmy Smith), Ladarus Webb and Chach-Brown. Beiler was struggling in Denver wild horse in the season. This season will join the New Orleans Saints, but the bad performance once again lost its job. The 36-year-old veteran seems to have gradually stayed away from the stadium. Before the start of the season, the Detroit lion was once close to the contract with Beiler, but eventually did not want to take a risk.

De Shaun Jackson released: No one can prevent me

Washington Red Skirt Entry Denen Jackson has always been smoked with super confident and mouth, and he accepts an eSPN in an interview at the local time, no one can prevent himself, he said: “I think no one can prevent me, I have been thinking so. No one can stop me, whether you are Darrell Revis or Richard Sherman to prevent I am useless, who can’t do anyone. “

The four-point guard goff passed the 517 yard, which is the second high of the male history single game. He passed 68 times, it was the third of the NFL historical single game. He became the third pass over 500 yards in NFL history but the quarterition of the conveyor. In addition, he has 4 mistakes that lead to the conversion of the ball (3 pass passes, 1 time falling). He laid the team’s destiny in the fourth quarter.

Jackson said this speech is because the reporter asked what he was in charge of the defense of the new teammate Christ Culliver after the end of the training. Jackson is about to enter his second year in Hongki, and he is quite confident for his speed, agility, and the ball feel, think it will be a nightmare of the defender. At the same time, he also hopes that his new season will be significantly improved than 56 times in the season, but this goal is not to be done by himself.

The center is a problem for 49 people. Last year’s first center Daniel Kilgore is recovering from ankle surgery, he is placed in a list of injuries that cannot be played. Other center choices in the array include Marcus Martin and Dillon Farrell. Easton graduated cheap jerseys from china Harvard University, Wholesale jerseys selection of the best lineup of Chang Chunva Alliance last season.

The 2013 Two-wheeled Show was publicly criticized in Ken Whisenhun, which was held last month, and now he was arrested by the Virginian police and not bail. Titan issued a statement on Monday, said: “We noticed this situation and is collecting more information.”

Crow recruiting angular guard, Chap Pieli is difficult to get

Baltimore Crow recently learned several angular guards, including Champ Bailey, Pelly, was also invited to train. But the result is likely to let him down, the crow finally chose DominiQue Franks instead of Accepting Assa Jackson. According to ESPN insider, Bailee participated in the training on Tuesday, but the result is not ideal. The defensive player of the 12-year-rounded professional bowl will never get new opportunities.

Jackson continued: “I have been pursuing progress, no matter how big the offense, I will go all out. Using the passion and the passion on the court to help the team and incentive teammates, to ensure high levels in the field I just try to play a high level, then let the teammates keep up with my rhythm. “

Jerry Jones Jones Jones will give this old evaluation: “Vuitton has the ability to lead the team’s attack. His pass is great, look at his arm, move, you didn’t The way found a more talent. His pass is very powerful, and it is very accurate. If he is ready, become the first four-point guard, let him play. For him. I feel great, “

The four-point guard of Vuitton’s career is divided into 73.4. In Cleveland Brown and Cowboy as award, he got 5 wins in three seasons and lost 16 games. At present, the cowboy has also been replaced from Buffalobier to Matt Cassell, and they need to compete in the time of the absence of Romo.

Beili has also disclosed that he is willing to try to appear as a security guard. The crow has witnessed the decline of Beili. In the 2014 season, Beiler is completely unable to limit Torre Smith, the latter has completed 2 times in front of Bailee, and the distance reached 59 yards and 32 yards. Comprehensive multifacence, Beiler did not get the favor of crows.

Although there is only 4 wins and 12 losses last season, Jackson still shows outstanding competitive state. He has 13 more than 40 yards, and the top first, more than the second place. 5 Second, the average number of passes per game number is as high as 21 yard, and all of the leagues have been opened far away. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the red skin will meet with the jet on October 18. At that time, Jackson will face the front of Rewick. How can Jackson can be like him, it is worth looking forward to.

Mike also arranged 70 passes in the game, and the Todder Gurley was just a 16-yard 2 time in 5 times. However, this star running definitely participated in the pass attack, and completed 7 codes to get 54 yards.