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Yudama’s season reimbursement will be a huge blow for the Tiger offensive group, and he plays an important role in the team attack. In 2 games, he was passed away by 11 times, completed 8 battles, got 87 yards and 1 time.

Kem-Queler’s “three eight lines”

At the last moment of last weekend, the Seattle Haiye finally announced their list of 53 people. This is the most surprisingly the team left all 7 outer junctions. One of the outer classes Kevin Norwood is a rookie player from the University of Alabama, but his entire appearance is sitting while sitting on the court, because he has carried his leg in early August. Operation. Obviously, Haiying’s head coach felt that he would give the team to provide full value so he left him in the list.

However, the previous alliance MVP is trying to show yourself to all teams that have fully restored their health. Newton released a series of video to show your own pass and other training on Instagram this week. In the video, he completed the long biography showed that his shoulder injury in the past few seasons has been healed. Other training shows that his feet have also been fully rehabilled.

Regardless of whether Bolkot is intended to hurt the Note, this impact is unnecessary and is not related to the ongoing attack. In the health and safety of players, they have become the mood of the Focus today, and the players who have not changed them frequently like Bolbert can’t wash suspicion.

Quadruple Sankam – Newton In the Social Media Release Training Video

Cam Newton is still free, and given that he may continue to be unemployed for a while, given that the break is still affected by the epidemic.

Taking into account Brown crowded quadrant positions, this decision is not surprising. Robert Griffin III, Josh McCown, Austin Davis and Xikiki Kesler (Cody Kessler) still stay in the team The first position after the start of the training camp.

NFL official website reporter Ian Rapople reported that the Alliance was investigating Bolkot in the new England Patriots 35-17 defeated Cincinnati Mason’s competition in Baberkote hit the patriot nearby The behavior of the Martellus Bennett.

Bolfote’s spotted weaknesses will certainly become a basis for making punishments. After repeated violation of the safety-related regulations, google-pluft.us he was banned cheap jerseys from China the beginning of this season. He was fined four times due to violation of the provisions last season.

Brown cut off the Subtock 4-point Guonner-Shaw on Thursday. In the past two seasons, Zodia is a first time, he has been small this year. The third-grade four-defense from the University of South Carolina said: “I am grateful for 2 years in Brown. Learning and growing a lot. Ready to witness God next to my family to go to the direction!”

The team coach Zucker-Taylor was confirmed on Friday, and the starting close-up was smoked in the dayddays of Clinkland Brown. During the fourth quarter in the competition, You Zhama was injured and had to be sent by the battery car.

In view of this year, only 5 teams need to find a new coach, Sara finally left 49 people. Those teams who have not chosen Sara have their own reasons. No matter where they finally or not, Salunhan can happily wait until next year.

After You Zhama lack, Drew Sample will get more opportunities in the remaining competition. Due to the 53-person list of Tiger 53, the team may seek the depth of reinforcement lineups in the near-ends of Cethan Carter. There are also two near-ends & mdash; & mdash; Mitchell Wilcox and Mason Schreck.

“I am very excited,” said Salunhan in Monday. “I heard this news on the road, so I was very excited. I certainly be a bit more sympathetic for Sara. I know any people who experience those processes, we are all stronger, you want to win, you want to get this Opportunly, for Sarah, we are all very lucky every year. Sarah is a head coach in this alliance. It may be this year. He is most likely to be a head coach next year. But he Will get the right opportunity. This is just a matter of time. I am just very happy that we can let him stay in the next season. “

Sarah is one of the ultimate candidates of Brown Job, but the final Brown chose the Stevski, which is from the offensive group, rather than the defensive coordinator who leads to one of the best defensive groups in the Alliance. In the seasons partitioning, Sarah’s players successfully restricted the offensive group of St.stist.

The 24-year-old Xiao Shangyue has passed a whole season because the thumb fracture is in the injury reserve. But in the last game of the 2014 season, he showed a flash performance. We will not be surprised that there will be a team to sign Xiao.