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Aville also said: “At the same time, honestly said, now there are 90 people in the locker room. 90 people can’t always get along with the same, things are like this. I am sure that some work will be less than 90 people. This is part of the team. “

Although some NFL coaches and scratches have conservative attitudes for this plan, they are not negate, and the alliance provides a lot of convenience to the scouts. A analyst said: “More new metrics can appear, more specific ranges, and assisted prevention of fatigue and injury. It can also be found to explode, but the system restricted players cannot be played.”

Kelly is not rushing to make a decision, but it seems impressive impression on his potential of Gibot. We will see if such an impression will give him the first position to Gibert, and more importantly, it can be a victory for 49 people.

Dolphins are interested in Wilson during the 2020 show, willing to use two rounds to sign it. Wilson and Dolphin coach Brian Floris came from the same high school, and Solomon Kindley, Solomon Kindley came from the same university. These interpersonal relationships may allow Wilson’s performance in dolphins.

This is not a good sign for Brown, he can’t get a chance to get a lecture in the safeguard. Now the rookie safe, satellite-Landon Collins, and the third-grade Safety Weikper-Taylor will begin to play on Sunday Night Tournament on the Dallas Cowboy.

Darn has played 32 games in San Francisco in the past two seasons but rarely played an important role. Before he was a four seasons for the St. Louis Ram. In 2007, he started his own NFL career in the giant. It is worth noting that his defensive coordinator he enters the team is the current giant defensive coordinator Steve Spagnuolo, the latter is still in the ram and his work. His familiarity of the Spagnovalake’s defense system is the reason why the giant decided to sign him.

Before the last season was placed in the injury reserve list, Gibot replaced him to become the first quarter-saving, but that is during the predecessor coach Jim-Tom Sula (Jim Tomsula). At the same time, Katnik has been recovering from the right thumb, left shoulder and left knee injury.

Titan will take the first round of Xiu Aisia – Wilson to the dolphins

US Time Monday, according to ESPN reporters, Titan agreed to take the first year of the first round of Show to attack the Diassia – Wilson (ISAIAH Wilson) and 2022 roundabout transactions to the dolphins, in exchange for the other party 2021 seven rounds.

The NFL Competition Committee recently completed the plan to sign, and it was expected to start from this spring (mid-April), and the 32 teams provide all the alliance players’ performance tracking data. In the past two seasons in the past two seasons, the teams can only get the performance data of their own players. The current plan is to first provide the 2016-2017 player data, and data is provided in the weekly unit after the start of the 2018 season.

49 people coach: I don’t know who will be the first quarter-saving

The initial review of the offensive group created by Chip Kelly is quite exciting, but it is a matter of ruling, which has a good performance in the real gun. thing.

Last week was signed with the giants after being cut by Houstown. After a year ago, after 8 games for the giants, Brown was considered to be an ideal candidate in the new season, but the giants prefer Dargon in Dargon, 49 people from San Francisco last Friday.

In addition, even if you are the world’s most talented tactical master, if you don’t have an excellent quarter-saving, you still have a hard game. Kelly acquired the first hand in the Philadelphia Eagle last season, which also made him throw away. Now 49 people in San Francisco, he has to understand that Colin Kaepernick or BLINE Gabbert can make 49 people most likely to win the game.

In the Sunday game just ended, the Tiger has overcome the Seattle Hawks at 27-12, which is the second time in the fourth quarter to complete 17 points, wholesale Jerseys and drag the game into the time, the front team completed in 2004. Similar feats.

Titan signed a $ 4.6 million rookie contract with Wilson last August last year. However, Wilson’s performance in Titan, and the rookie season has only played an offense, and many farms have been repeated. Jon Robinson told reporters in the previous press conference, Wilson did not talk to him for a long time and suggested that Wilson “I would like to pay yourself if I would like to work hard to play career football.”

Since 1988, the Tiger has started to win 5 consecutive victories.

Andy Dalton once again led the Cincinnati Tiger to complete the great victory, apparent that the Tiger has already recognized the outside world.