The Wholesale Jerseys Game

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The bear team wants to handle Carterler is not easy. They can find a team that can match the Carterler contract, or take more than $ 15 million to buy a contract. Therefore, the bear team is currently still in the first list of Katler next season. However, all suspenses will basically end next Wednesday, because only 10 million guarantees joined the contract, basically no other team will do the intend to trade Carterler.

Spornos is the descendants of Greek immigrants, relying on the work to accumulate the purchase of wealth, bought the main shares of San Diego lightning in 1984. In the next decade, he also purchased the majority of the remaining shares in the team.

In addition, Shelman also completed a copy of a copy in the game. In the previous game, he has several times to get a ball in close to the completion of the copy, which greatly affects his data. However, data is sometimes unable to react the actual ability of the player, and the Hawks fans must be happy to see the familiar Sherman.

The bear team didn’t have a lot of time in Cartier.

The Chicago Bear must make a decision on the main four-point Weijie Carterler, because once Carter is still leaned next Tuesday, he will become a complete guarantee in next year’s 10 million US dollars. .

Spornos is also a very active team boss. He participated in most committees, also for San Diego’s chance to host a super bowl (1998,2003). With a strong struggle, he will make a lightning into a team worthy of respect, and enter the super bowl in 1994.

Wild horses take over the Men Newuel Sanders expect to return this week

BROCK OSWEILER This week, he will represent the top of the wild horse. His external army may also be a strong bit of Trevor Siemian.

Mike Maccagnan, who had the previous jet, Cheap Jerseys said that the jet will have a four-defense when it is necessary, obviously this is necessary, and he also said that Fitz Patrick’s contract problem is in the team. Exceptified plans.

“We first saw this happen in New Orleans,” Brisbane representation. “From the point of view of the players and the fans for the Union distrust. Penalize this sort of thing nothing is clear. Punishment is made behind closed doors, you always have the feeling of secret operations.”

The lightning team said: “Loyalty, competition, blood boiling, loved to wear & mdash; & mdash; this is Alex – Spornos. Just like Alex: & lsquo; believe in yourself. As long as the whole god is concentrated, there is nothing to do. & Rsquo; “

Drew – Brisbane: Goodell too much power in the hands of

In the Court of Appeal restored the Union for the New England Patriots quarterback Tom – after Brady (Tom Brady) of suspensions, New Orleans Saints quarterback Drew – Brisbane (Drew Brees) on Tuesday shelled the NFL president Luo Jay – Goodell (Roger Goodell) in the hands of power.

In the interview after the game, Shelman was very satisfied with his performance. He also opened a joke on this: “I don’t know how to defensive small children, so I don’t know how I do today. This is me The biggest weakness, so I don’t know that I have expressive today. “Sherman once again showed that he was the performance of the top corner guard, and he was very interesting to hear himself published such a declaration.

“Forget about problems that occur in the discharge valve or no matter how you call it since the incident,” Brisbane said. “I want to be president of this dispute will power when challenged, the Union will do anything to make sure they know the president is entitled to make such a unilateral decision, and no one can have any way to this.”

Shelman: I am not good at keeping a small outer hand.

In the game with the Pittsburgh Steelman, the Richard Sherman, which is familiar with the fans, seems to come back. He is in the opposition of Antonio Brown, so that the latter has become a pass target only 3 times, advance 24 yards. On the game, Brown only completed 6 battles and pushed 54 yards.

Goodell on Tuesday to defend their own power, he said, “We believe that the fairness of the president to protect the game is very important, you can not put this responsibility to the people do not understand our affairs.”

“I think we all agree that his hands too much power to be sure,” said Brisbane representation. “When it comes to penalties of player, he is the judge, jury and enforcer. I do not believe anything any investigation of Union-led Such investigations opaque.”