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The chief is activated from the injury list.

Joe Mays, Kansas, Joe Mays, ready to return, and the team announced on Saturday that the old war line is activated cheap jerseys From China the injury list due to wrist surgery in 8 games this season.

However, just like this year’s break, the epidemic has caused an impact on his signing. When participating in the podcast, this draft group indicates that he will suspend the contract with the team due to the influence of the epidemic.

It is still not sure that Metz will play Sunday’s game (5-3), and the chief hope can eventually let Mezh Maugh, Moq, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Moq (Josh Mauga). Buffalo is more concerned about Justin Houston. This white hot chieftain has taken 12 times this year, Houston is expected to break the Emirates by Derrick-Thomas (Derrick) The team history of Thomas has recorded 20 times.

On-site security is also cheering for steel people

We can always see the police station in the cheap nfl jerseys from china stadium side. They are there to prevent some crazy things, and of course, sometimes they feel like sufferingists.

In the third game, the two sides have played a complete offensive round, although it is time consuming, there is no tree. In the package, the round of the package can get at least one free kick, but when the three-speed attack, the center of the center flew out and flew out, lost 14 yards, and the tapping of the player. . After three sections, the bear 14:13 is still leading the package.

But Nick’s body has a congenital defect, with a height of 5 feet 8, with a weight of 200 pounds. Whether it is in the university stadium or a professional stadium as a wire guard, it is really unsafe to swim in the middle area. Even if his university data is great, he is also difficult to compete with large offensive lines in the alliance.

As the raid person’s first mid-range guard in the 2013 season, Rochi has been injured in the knee before the start of the season. Although he made a lot of efforts in order to retro the game, it will eventually only choose surgery. Last month, San Francisco’s related experts made opinions on Roch’s recovery situation and believed that Roch’s recovery is not as expected, and it is very likely that it cannot be repeated in 2015. Relevant persons revealed that Rochi himself is very depressed for injuries, he has hints or will therefore choose to retire.

The 29-year-old Rochi career completed 346 hugs and manufactured 9 times. In the eight seasons, he successively acts in the Chicago bear and the raid, a total of 96 times. In view of the physical condition of Roch, there will be no team with him at this stage. If you want to revert to Roch’s age and ability, you will be a great choice for Rochi’s age and ability.

Line Wend Roch is tried by the raid, or chooses to retire

Old Wire Nick Roach is under the underestimation of career. Auckland raids announced that the old will have been reachded by the “physical reasons”. Last season, Rochi chooses to accept knee surgery in October and end the season in advance.

Metz took the sixth round by the Philadelphia eagle in 2008 and played two seasons in Philadelphia, and came to Denver’s wild horse three seasons, and then played 13 games in Houstown in Houstown last season.

The second half is zero, the packaging works Thanksgiving Festival regrets the bear team

Beijing time November 27, the third battle of Thanksgiving is the Green Bay packaging worker to sit on the main scene of the Chicago Bear. In the second quarter, the bear team made a small garden of attacks, established a weak leading advantage, but under the efforts of the bear defensive group, the second half of the package was sealed, holding the victory. The score of the audience is the bear 17:13 packwork.

The first half of the second game is somewhat dull. However, when Rexi appeared, after the turn of the ball was mistaken, the Ren Decline of the bear seems to be suddenly turned. First, Jay Cutler 3 yard passed the push of the close-end sharp-Miller equalized the score. Then in the second quarter less than a minute, Jeremy Langford 1 yards helped the bear team against the score. The package worker only completed two free splitters twice after two of the bear teams. At the end of the half, the bear team is slightly led by 14:13.

Some teams and players believe that some high-time first round show this year may sign a rookie contract than in the past, because the epidemic has an impact on team revenue. They are not worried that the players and teams will eventually be signed, but because the teams may lose their stadium and TV broadcast income, each team may have a silver root, so some teams may want to pay the signing bonus than in the past.

The fourth game, the bear team has three-speed attack in the 5 yards of the package, and has not reached the array. He has to obtain 4 points from the lead in 4 points. Then both sides will give up a round. In the game, after the game left, the package was once again got the ball, and Luo Je took a copy of the 3 consecutive over 10 yards. Fortunately, the package workers have retarded the lapse of time, and the defensive group also successfully rushed to Rogers. Rogers quickly led the entire offensive group to enter the 10 yard of the bear in 51 seconds left. But when there is 22 seconds left, the four-speed offense of the package was defeated by the bear team. At home, Brett’s gaze is regrettable. The score of the whole game is 17:13.