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The fastest man in the world, the Olympic sprinter, Yusien Bolt, the fastest speed is approximately 43.45 km / h, so Hill’s speed will not have the world level. But Bolt is neither wearing equipment, nor is it worried that someone came to him. Hill’s achievements on the football court have been amazed.

Aville is originally what we believe should win the most valuable players last season’s super bowl, but this news is a bit sudden. Avier has only achieved 4.5 times in this season, but the data will also be lie. Professional Rugby Focus Network (Profootball Focus) statistics from Aville to get 38 championships and 9 impact quarters. He was rated as a ninth high-end shock of the defensive end position, just after teammate Michael Bennett. Aville and Bennet are 2013 as a beautiful free player who is a good price-checked free agent and has already received a lot of money.

Re-emerge the Hawks to renew the defensive end Aville

With this season, Seattle Hawks’ defensive emerged as the most dominant combination of the alliance. They once again make sure they can keep the defensive group complete.

Only 28-year-old Aville and Bennet provide high quality old will pass the shock hand choice. The Hawks can choose a future shock hand in the draft, and they know that the starting lineup in the next few years is actually stable. Pete Carroll has clarified that he prepares a big hand to keep the defensive group to keep intact, and it is hoped to develop offensive group players.

“It feels a bit strange,” Peak said, “I have forgotten what is not participating in the training. The teammates are training on the training room. I am sitting in the training room. I feel very lonely. I have a continuous first hair, Scorpio, I have to get Thank God. I will try to restore health and continue. “

Defense guard: In addition to being good at intercepting the opponent’s defensive player, the defensive defender sometimes acts as a short-passed ball in the A formation, so he has a slightly known twice on how to catch the ball.

Look at the defensive players who have already signed with the Hawks will make people feel unbelievable. Carol and General Manager John Schneider has been with Wright, Avil, Bente, Corner Wei Richard Sherman, Safety Wei Kam Chambellor and Earr – Thomas. It is difficult to maintain a great defensive group staff, but this group has a chance to become one of the greatest combinations in the future.

Wash a 34: The play is usually used when it is close to the first attack or more, as long as your quarter-saving has a pressure. All health needs to be responsible for the defensive range, and there may be a vulnerability to let the opponent to kill.

Hill’s fastest speed approximately 37.40 km / h, and he ran this data in the 105-yard coming of the second week, but the attacked was canceled because of the foul. This is the only speed of 37 km / h throughout the season. Hill ran out the second fast speed of the season in the 86 yards of the 12th week.

The third speed of the season came from Washington Red Leather Endended Denen Jackson, he ran 36.37 km / h at a 59-yard ball at the 13th week. The fastest speed from the defenders from Viking corner Wei Zavil Rhodes, he ran out 36.05 km / h at the 11th week of the 100 yard copy of the 11th week.

Those lay in the history of American football

In the 6th week of the 2014 season, the Carolina Black Leopard has an rare lay of the game of Cincinnati, until the end of the overtime, the two sides battle into 37-37, which is also the highest in the history of the league.

Quadruplicate: The T-format is very similar, in the A formation, quad-guards need many fake moves before making real offensive options to blind each other. If you have a strong punch ability, you can let him go to attack.

Previously, Atlantian Funding, Atlantian Funding, the Atlanta, who was in the main court, ushered in flat, Washington red skin, wholesale jerseys but the game was more difficult than expected. Previously showed a four-point Swan Matt Ryan and the outer handle, Julio Jones was restricted, and the expected manifestations were unable to play. Fortunately, the red skin offensive is equipped with the same weakness, and the two sides of the offensive group have a total of 5 mistakes. However, the game started to enter the fourth quarter, the two sides alternately, in the last time of the runa, Devonta Freeman, the last minute, complete 6 yards, the ball, to help the Falcon, red skin quartz Kirk Cousins ​​success rate The team promoted to a free kick, and the red skin kicked into the game to drag the game into the time. However, Cossins helped red skin into the overtime match, the first wave of attack was encountered by the pass. External hand Lai En-Grand (RYAN GRANT) slightly causes Falcon Corner Wei-Alford to easily copy the ball and attack 59 code. This game, Falcon Run Bathfeman is still the most dazzling star, and he takes a total of 197 yards to 1 time. Falcon 25-19 defeated red skin.