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Hawks, Crow intention to sign up to take over Antonio – Brown

Last season, Antonio Brown had only played a game, followed by a series of off-site problems. Despite this, Brown demonstrated talent and capabilities over the past few years, let him still have the possibility of striving for the second opportunity.

The 31-year-old Gustoski career’s shooting rate was 86.8%. Over the past eight years, it has been considered one of the most stable players in the alliance. In the past two seasons, the hit rate has reached 92.7% and 94.6%. The new season, the alliance introduces additional split regulations, the distance of the free kick is 15 yards, which means that the stability of the player will be more important.

A team management person called this election to “the key node of the draft”, which is very reasonable. The fourth bit is just that the quadruption team needs to grab the position before Denver wild horse.

Patriot and playing the ball for a long time

New England Patriots play Stephen Gostkowski will become the highest income of the league. According to NFL official website reporters, the Patriot has reached an agreement with Gustoski for a four-year contract, worth $ 17.2 million.

Kristeian Kirk said: “Honestly, according to the performance and coach’s evaluation of the current two, I think Bradford will definitely be the first. But the plan can’t change the change, the training camp is about Sicked a lot of opportunities, let him show their talents. No matter what to say, these two people have the ability to win the winner. The two people are very good, Sam will make you learn a lot. And Josh is also a new show, we will make progress together. “

Brown has a lot of trouble, there is a lot of trouble, and the team with interested signed a contract must be very good. Currently Crow’s external handlers include Brown, Miles Boykin and Willie Snead. The Hawk holds Tayler Lockett, D.K. Metcalf (D. Metcalf) and Phillip Dorsett. If the duplication application passes, Josh Gordon may also join the Hawks.

Lightning abandoned kickle lock bone fracture season reimbursement

The San Diego flash is constantly injured. On Saturday, they once again announce that the team abandoned Mike, Mike Scifres, will be included in the injury reserve because of the clavicle fracture. This also means Even if the team enters the playoffs, he can’t play again.

For the Rashtary and Hawks, this game is not only the war battle, but also ranking in the post-season. But unfortunately, although theoretically unlimited possibilities, the efforts made by the two are probably useless.

In addition to these three teams, Baltima Crow and Cincinnati Tiger have certainly want to pick four-point guard, but the Brown, which is in the same partition, can spend a huge price. In addition, the new England patriots are also tried to have some rookie quadrants.

17 weeks, packaging workers and Viking will be wrestled for the National North Championship. The entanglement of Brett Falf brought out so that this game is like a grievance. However, are you willing to win the hook of the Hawks at home, or lose the red skin to the capital?

The reporter reported that: “The teams are doing sniffing. Antonio Brown and Haiying Subject 2 points Guino – Smith (Geno Smith) has training together, Seattle is also interested in signed him. The crow has Brown True Human MARQUISE BROWN, they have also tested before. “

Let us assume that the two teams will take out 100% state in this game, and their potential opponents in the outer plunger are actually determined before the game. If the packaging is via Viking, they will definitely be the No. 5 seeds in Washington. The situation of Viking people is slightly more complicated, the worst situation is: the Haiying battle this week, Viking is lost to the package. That means that the Viking people fell to the No. 6 seed, the Langbao Stadium will “green bay love me again” for two consecutive weeks.

After a list of the injury in Xuelis, the lightning will be promoted Cheap Jerseys From China the training lineup from the training lineup. This move also means that the original first-year-old Chris Watt will be very likely to continue to absent this week because of an ankle injury.

If Wat is indeed unable to play, lightning will enable Trevor Robinson as the first center of the trip this week. He will be expected to become a 5th place in the season. In the 49 people in San Francisco last week, Robinson was replaced by Watt injury, and his manifestations were in the rules.

At the same time, due to the reimbursement of the Johnnie Troutman season, Lightning will use Jeremiah Sirles to send a right striker. This will also become a combination of 5th predetermined offensive front lines used in this season.

If the Haiye is lost to the red tones, it must be a seed of the No. 6 seed against the North Championship. The sea eagle may pray for the blue rock network, but in the eyes of the chief of the saga, Aliis seems that no bad fence does not need to repair, the main lineup should be the Hawk is this.