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In Adam Vinatieri, During the Patriot, the team used the privilege label twice. This patriot has retained one of the best players in the alliance. According to the regulations, the team can negotiate with a player who is labeled with the privileged label before July 15.

Bryant said: “I am not ready to return to the state of 2014, that is the matter, I will only become stronger, we have a strong way, coaches are the same for our requirements, this is why it passed In a few years, we have been very powerful. “The 2014 season Branet completed the 1320 yards and 16 reachaes.

The privileged label is used for Gustkovsky, and the team will be brought to the security sanctuary – McCourty. Many experts believe that patriots should use the privilege label for McCoti, but the final team and player failed to agree on the new interoperant, Http://Kala.Eclectek.Com/Wiki/Index.Php?Title=They_Requested_A_Hundred_Experts_About_Wholesale_Jerseys._One_Answer_Stood_Out and the patriotism believes that the security guards use the privilege label too expensive, so it makes the above decision. There are still 8 days left in the free market gate, and the patriots still have enough time and McCoti to negotiate. If you choose to enter the free market, McCuti will become the most focused security guard this year.

NFL official website reporter Ian Rapople reported that the Saint believes that the saints think the four-point guards were injured, which might let him absent several games, he will More inspections will be accepted on Tuesday and Wednesday to determine the injury.

At present, O’Ke can earn a main position and cannot be determined, but the black Leopard thinks he still has no potential to be developed. Considering that there is no particularly excellent cut off this year’s free market, and the black leopard’s draft selection cannot guarantee that they can choose reliable, ie, at this time, is signed, Oh, is not a good decision.

Cowboy also hopes that his four-point Dosony-Romo can also recover as soon as possible. At present, Romo has participated in the pass training in the training camp. Afterwards, the combination of Romo and Bryant is essential for cowboy victories.

Patriot announces the privilege label for playing the game

The new England Patriot decided to use the 2015 season’s privilege label to play Stephen Gostkowski (STEPHEN GOSTKOWSKI). The team successfully locked the star player, and the latter will also harvest a $ 4.56 million contract in the next season.

The fourteenth Week, the best special service group players: Jacksonville American Tiger outside the handover / abandoned Rashad Greene, the American Tiger has achieved the landmark victory in the game competition, great win their same Partition opponents and get more than 50 points. Green is huge to victory, although the whole game pony avoids kicking the ball, he still gains a 73-drawn kick back to reach.

Dez – Bryant: I will be stronger than 2014

Dez Bryant did not participate in the voluntary training camp of Dallas Cowboy, because he just completed the foot to restore surgery, but he confident that he can return.

In the four seasons of the chief coach, Leide leads to a weak offensive group to achieve 43 wins and 21 loss of results. At least 9 games in each season, there are at least 11 victories in 3 seasons, 3 times after entering the season Match. In the past 26 regular competitions, the chief has achieved 22 wins and 4 loss, including 11 consecutive Melan West District, the victory, the best NFL team in this stage. Reide took 12 wins in the last season, and since the first won the partition champion since 2010.

The fourteenth week of the best defensive players: St. Louis ram defensive cut off Aaron Donald, like Mike, we have recently discussed Alon Donald. In the 21-14 defeated Detroit Lion, Donald has achieved 3 kills, and the total number of unbelievous murders increased to 11 times. For an inner rushing hand, such data indicates the location of future celebrities.

Black Leopard and Qi Titan Diagonal Action for 2 years

The local time is Friday, Carolina Black Leopard announced that it has signed two years with the offensive cutah Michael Oher. Olhen film “Blind Point” is well known by fans, but his performance is always intentionally. After a year of Titan Titan, he was tried last month. Fortunately, he quickly found a new job.

Brisseed from the Saint Since the Saint Since Since the 2006 season. At that time, he also happened to recover from shoulder surgery. Now Bris is 36 years old, it is worthy of puzzling this shoulder injury will affect Bris.

Black Leopard Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron Ron said: “I am looking forward to Michael to become our one. He knows how to win the game, and our offensive front line coach is also an old man. We are very excited to be with him. Work together. “Black Leopard hopes to find a reliable left-trial for Kam Newton this year, and in the past few years they have made various trials but the effect is not obvious.

This news explained why there were some long-term sects of Brischers in Pi Pacon pirates in 19-26. In the second quarter, his shoulders suffered from hitting. Since then, his arm’s strength has received an impact in the rest of the time. His long biography lacks power.