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Gore wants to hit it anymore. Despite the increase in his state, his state is gradually declining, but Gore can make a strong team running guard in the right offensive system. He has been respected by other players and coaches, can play a tutor in team with young running guards.

Indeed, only 24-year-old Mahmus just ended his career in the third season, so it seems that there is no need to use the word “finally”. But in fact, Mahmus hopes that the championship of the super bowl is for a long time.

At the 54th Super Bowl of Awards Ceremony, the host Bradshaw asked “Where you want to go”, Mahomus who won the Super Bowl MVP excitedly: ” I want to say this in my life, I want to go to Disneyland! “Brad is then joking,” Can I go together? “Mahmus replied:” Of course, everyone can come. ” “

In March 2013, Gudeson and pirates signed a contract for a period of $ 41.25 million. Next season, his basic salary is 7.5 million. If you choose to treat him, the pirate will save 5 million salary space.

The third overall pick in this year’s Jacksonville Jaguars 17-44 home loss to the Indianapolis Colts in the second half of the game instead of starting quarterback Chad – Henny (Chad Henne) debut, after the first half Jaguars offensive group only advancing 42 yards and 0-30 behind.

Recently, Guderson’s appearance time was squeezed. In last week, he repeatedly replaced it in the prevention transmission. The alternative is Bradley McDougald, Bradley-McDougal, signed last year. Defense Coordinator, Leslie Frazier, said: “We want to observe Bradley, only let him participate in the competition to get what we want.” In the interview, Fraser said Macdu Gud Ability is comprehensive and suggesting that he is more excellent than Guceson.

There is one young quarterback has helped thing they can control the pace of the game in no huddle offense in the past five years, college football fans have been very familiar with the guidelines for such tactics, but this trend did not which spread to the professional game. In 2011, no huddle offense accounted for 5.7% of the total offense stalls, the ratio in 2014 and 2015 is still only 12.4% and 13.1%.

Since the 1987 Super Bowl, Disney often makes the current super bowl MVP in the advertisements played after the super bowl, “I want to go to Disneyland!” This advertisement word. So this sentence has become a classic.

Bo Tuosi this year’s draft is the first quarterback selected, after he played well at the University of Central Florida, 7598 yards 56 career passing touchdowns. Jaguars coach Gus – Bradley said earlier this week after the attack although the group game against the Philadelphia Eagles in the season opener in the first half of the outstanding performance brought to its knees, the coaching staff has not been discussed so that instead of the original Bo Tuosi starter Chad – Henny.

After winning the chief, Mahmus on February 6, 2013, is the 47th Super Bowl of the pushes released. He is still reading high school, saying: “I guess to become a championship after winning the super bowl, I want to go to Disneyland, the quarter of this sentence is great.”

Since the season opener made 17 points in the first half, made just after the Jaguars 10 points and Henny captured and killed 15 times, which lost to the Washington Redskins play the game he’s captured and killed the number reached a record in team history 10 Second-rate. In two games half game road jaguar attack only advancing 122 yards. Henny 78 passes this season, 42 times successes 492 yards three touchdowns passes 1 steals, but his colt’s poor performance in the face of competition, the success of 7 passes only four times to obtain 33 yards he was also sack three times.

Fayettevi local police explained that they received a kidnapping message on February 23, Fischerv’s observation reporter is the first time to report this news. It is reported that Wolf is a friend who is visiting him. A group of guns hit the man to force him into a lady. The police said that they were unclear that the specific kidnapping time, but it could not affirm the time.

The young era is 59 people in San Francisco to break the ball in Gore. He currently got 15347 yards in his career, ranked third in the history of NFL, surpassing the Carry Sanders. Of course, with his current performance, Gore also needs a few seasons to break the record of EmmitT Smith 18355 yards.

Like most elderly players, especially running guards, Gore can depends on whether he is suitable for a team instead of money. He may have to wait until the beginning of the new season can only find the next home.

Pirate safety Wei Gudesen is exposed to the team after season

Two years ago, Tampawan pirates tried to build a union’s strongest defensive second-line, the team will hoped to be pinned in Darrelle Revis, Mark Barron and Daen Dashon Goldson. However, when transit, Renis and Barron have been gone to the team, and the recent situation is foresee, and Gudders will become the next person.