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After the first beech, the first shoulder lip joint was injured, the training camp was absent for half a time, although it was finally played in the last two preseason, but hurt the left knees in the closing battle.

Ross completed the regular session show in the second week, but this season eventually played 3 games, participated in 17 files. 2 times were taken as a pass target to complete the ball, and a shower was 12 yards. The location of the 9 sign is not very commensurate.

It is worth a concern: the Hawie-defensive coordinator is born, the Jiji, Bradley, in the two seasons plus a break, and its “rebuilding the sea-eagle plan” is not smooth, the introduced sea eagle will halt Old, the young people selected are only stayed in the “potential” stage, even this year’s exploration show Dantte-Wom is also reimbursed in the season, the Jaguar defense has not appeared in the defensive group. sign. To talk about La Tutles last year, as Florida locals, the American tiger selected him, one of the reasons naturally hoped that he can save the downturn, but more important reason is that the Jagu team is in a hurry. Since Mark Brunet, the team has never had a sign four-point guard. Cheap jerseys from china the performance of last seasons, Boters also needs greatly enhancement in passing the ball choice and timing. More creepy things, several years ago Brene-Gote has wasted a high-time draft draft, and Botels also faintly visually seen some Gaburt’s shadow & mdash; & mdash; For example, it is fascinated by the turbine.

In fact, there is already a good news before he said that it is very good. Stephen Jones, Executive Vice President, Executive Vice President, said Monday, Monday, and planned surgery on Monday. Jones also mentioned that Murray won’t miss this week’s host of the Indiana pony team, because the cowboy needs to win to continue the leading Philadelphia Eagle.

The package workers have just completed the contract with the former ram close to the front of Jared Cook, but he is absent from the training camp because of the foot injury, so that the team’s near-end front list is left. Richard Rodgers alone.

It is worthy of confidence: 25-year-old Andrew Ruck, will hear a technique of technique in a quarter, become more and more horrible, until a few playoffs in January, the technique is mature, and there is a weak point of Rak, It is not only the first time in life, but also needs to be prepared. T.Y. Hilton just continued to go to the big contract, which seems to be thin and treated with vertical threats to the “Marvin-Harrison” of Rock. Feng Tower-Davis sweeps all the comments on the right side of the fixed-season, the new season may not be solid back, and the audience kills the other party’s tricks. Just abandon the kick handkerchief – McCafi is also like a super superstar of a special group.

Tiger first round show receiving shoulder surgery season reimbursement

According to Cincinnati media reports, John Ross will receive left shoulders and reimbursement. Although when the injury is still unknown, the nuclear magnetic resonance is not lie.

Murray finger fractures need surgery, this week is still possible to participate

After defeating the Philadelphia eagle on Sunday Night, Dallas Deni team runs to Demarco Murray to check the left hand and said that he is very good.

Wincheslo is the 2004 draft of Cleveland, in 2004-2005, because of the injury, there is no online opportunity. In 2007, he completed the 1106 yards, after which he was traded to Tampawan pirates, after his career began Circulation, we have been to the Seattle Hawks, New England Patriot, New York Jet.

Jones did not specifically disclose specific injuries, but ESPN reported that Murray did not name the fracture. Since it is not Murray’s pick-up hand, the denim also believes that Murray fingers will not let him absent the game.

Lewis career has a total of 10607 yards and 58 shots to reach, 2066 yards in the 2003 season, is the only 7 single season mournefall 2000+ miracle in NFL history. He was played by the crow for 6 years, and the 2007 season transferred Brown, retired after the 2009 season. In 2012, it was selected for the history of the history of the crow, but the same bankruptcy was in the same year.

Unknown factors: “Tough Dynasty Training Camp” we can see, Bill O’Brien is a wise brutal Han, who is full of dirty words, but also in a hurry, after a season of ripe, O’Brien’s right to Dynasty, Germany, two Assistant George – Gofo and Romeo-Krener are all patriot, and Mike Vlabel, which is retired before, and also found a job in O’Brien’s coach. Counseling period, Texas signed Hoyel to ensure that no matter who first happened, Texas people’s tactical core will be the patriot, Willfolk’s arrival, means that he will take over the defensive midway and locker room. “Patriot help” all the corners of the people. Bellby Chuck Peach Li Man, in the past ten years, the mimics are endless, the successful people can be wonderful, even if Nick Saipan’s achievements are all from the university stadium, O’Brien has now made the teacher Bailech check proud Another capital.