Cheap Jerseys Features

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Wenz is not unfamiliar with major injuries, and he only has a complete two seasons in the past five years. The most serious occasion occurred in 2017 to the race of the ram, he encountered a knee crossed ligament torn injury.

cheap nfl jerseys from china official website reporter Ian Rapoport reported that the wild horse is prepared to provide a large long approximately approach to Miller. According to the inferiority, there is an optimistic emotion of the new contract after exchange of the two sides.

Wenz this season 69 passed 45 times, advanced 498 yards, reached 3 times, was copied once. But on the other hand, he has also hit too many times. In the first two games, Wenz was hit 21 times and was killed 6 times.

The 2015 season’s panther completed 44 four-point guard killed in the 6th place in the Alliance, but this is not to protect the 2016 season they still have such domain. If the rush is sufficient enough, it can also make up for the shortcomings of Xiu Xiu.

Miller wants to be the highest defensive player with NFL salary. It has previously enjoyed the Ndamukong Suh, and he has been 6 years $ 114 million, including 60 million in the contract last year. US dollar guarantee income. Last year, Miller, Kansas City, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Kansas, Houston, signed a $ 101 billion, including $ 52.5 million security income.

Wenz was injured in the fourth quarter of the competition, and he tried himself, but he was slammed down by the male defensive Feng Shouzhu member Alon Donald. Playback shows that his right ankle is seriously twisted when falling. The back of Wenz has returned to the side line.

“We are discussing with Feng,” Elvi said. “We exchange some quotations. We will continue to meet with his brokers. We have a good progress in renewal. Obviously, with his career performance and his performance this year, we have very much hope that we can achieve a new contract.”

Smith has been added to the injury reserve list. Stephen Jones, Executive Vice President, Executive, Executive: “We have to consider the career of Tailong, he is also working hard. He is a perfect left-trick, perfect man. He also wants to help Team Friends & hellip; & hellip; But the current injury is not allowed. “

The rookie attack is usually hitting the wall very early in the first season, but this is afraid that the giant needs to worry. Flavos’s competitors Hohaus hit five years in NFL, always perform bad, the total score of each season is negative, and he has 5 games in the 2014 season of more than 40 yards. He has only poor -11.9 points in these 5 games, so that the opponent gets 1 killing, 3 hits four-point guard and 11 times forced four-point guards.

On Saturday, US Time, Ron Rivera, told reporters that the team saw a lot of hopes in Xiu Houwei, he said: “I think if we need to do something, it is also a later choice. At present, we have already determined that we have seen the outstanding performance of the new show. “

Dedg’s departure weakened the depth of the lineup of the Wiki. Although Sharp’s arrival has reinforced the depth of lineup and he has a good upper limit, Viking is expected to pick up an outer hand in the election.

Cowboy left disappearance Tailong – Smith or due to neck injury reimbursement

US Time Thursday, according to NFL NetWork reporters report, cowboy uncertainty left disappearances (neck injury) can continue to play the rest of the season.

The black panther is not ready to use the old man to replace Norman’s departure

This snorted season Carolina Black Leopard lost the first corner of Josh Norman, but so far they did not prepare alternative candidates in the free market.

Giant is bad offensive front line hidden dangers

New York Giants have not entered the playoffs since the super bowl in 2012. This year, they confident, intended to break through the National Liandong District, not in the team, because their offensive front lines are very broken, worrying.

The giant originally wants Flavos to adapt to the professional stadium, do not want to make the seedlings to help, but Betty’s sudden injury disrupted the deployment of the giant coach group. Flavos performs excellent performance in Miami at the University of Miami last season, only one review in 12 games is negative, only in the face of Eli Harod, 49 people’s third round of rookie) Not good, in addition, he only allows the other party to successfully press the quarter cheap jerseys From china the two-point guard in two games.

First of all, they attacked the best players Will Betty because the chest muscles were placed in the list of the game in the game. In the last season, all the giants of the game exceeding 100 files were off-attack front players, only Betty’s total commentary is divided into positive, so his injury has a big blow to the giant. Justin Pugh is alleged to be the right to the right of the new season, let this year’s first round of Eric Flavos (Ereck Flowers) with Marshall – HOIS ( Marshall Newhouse to compete for the position of the first right cut.