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Little Master coach looks forward to Leji-Wayne’s regression

Indianapolis Pony Legendary Entry Rigi Wayne This season is flat. Many experts and fans think that his career may have come to the end. After a new England patriot, Wayne once again asked questions about the future. His contract will also expire after the end of this season.

Manning helps giants to win with Beckham

The New York Giants once again won the game with Eli Manning and Odell Beckham. As the best-capable external hand in the alliance, Beckham balls 110 times in the first 15 games in the career, and promotes 1574 yards, set the league history. In addition, since he came out of the 5th week of his last season, he had completed 14 battles, the number leads to all players in the same period.

Despite the initial injury in the last season, Landri still first got all the competitions, completing the 1174 yards 6 times to complete 83 battles. He even participated in the career bowl and the media week activities before the superb bowl.

However, Landri has received surgery in the early month. Brown announced that he successfully received surgery on February 4. The good news is that he is expected to be fully rehabilitation, playing 2020 season.

Tony Romo third child is born, will not explain Friday competition

The CBS was originally defined by the Tony Romo to explain Friday night game, but they had to change this decision. Because Romo wants to accompany the third child who has just been born on Wednesday at home.

Saints have previously violated epidemic prevention regulations. Earlier this season, since I fail to comply with the mask in the second week, the Saint was fined $ 250,000, and the coachton of Sen Payton was a fine of $ 100,000.

At the same time, since the player did not wear a mask in the ninth week of defeating Tangpawan in the locker room, the New Orleans saints were fined $ 500,000 and was canceled next year’s seventh round of draft. The saints were also found in a meeting to not wear masks.

Wayne said: “I haven’t considered this problem yet. Now I know, only we lose the game.” Local time Monday, Chuck Pagano, also asked Wayne’s problem. Everyone wants to know, this has been in the 14 seasons of the pony will appear in the team’s big list next season. Pagano’s answer is very embarrassing: “You all know what Rayg is like, you know his way of work, knowing his thinking mode. If he chooses to continue to fight, I don’t think everyone will be surprised. “

This week, the giants defeated Washington Hongpi in 32-21 on Thursday night, and Manning once again found Bakeham through the long biography, the latter completed the key to the team to lock the victory. In the first attack of the fourth quarter, Beckham opened the Red Leather Khakhade Baseland (Bashaud Breland), and the Bashaud Breeland was completed, and the score was rewritten. 25-6.

This season, Wayne has been troubled by injuries. He also revealed that it will overcome injuries in the rest of the course. In the last 10 games in the season, Wayne did not harvest 1 time. Since 12 weeks, he has not brought more than 4 times in a single game. At present, Pony has already had a very deep ball lineup, and Wayne can make contributions have also been very limited. But everyone knows that Wayne’s role not only stays on the court.

Whitworth, who is the left trial of the Los Angeles ram, will become a free player after the season. He has considered retirement after the end of the super bowl, but finally decided to return. After the ram has not been played in the rank, Whitworth decided to immediately show his ideas. He wants to continue playing next year.

Although he may have no longer have a few years ago, this old will still have a stable state and the ram does not replace his suitable candidates. If he is ultimately with the rushing of the go, it is not surprised.