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The most trusted weapon of the Patriots Offense Group is of course close-end, Rob Gronkowski, he has the ability to take up the wind with any player of the Hawks. From this point, Geloski’s performance will also determine the property of the champion this season.

Just in the summer of last year, people’s doubt is that Rak can continue to pass? The answer later in half a year is that the number of passes, the number of hits, the hit rate, the number, the number of times, the quarter-branch score is the best career. The 4593 yard rankings fifth and 39 times are second only to Mahms, and there are three four sessions reversal, lead the horses to take the season after the season. The snappage has built an excellent offensive frontline. Rac will win the Dongshan again, nearly ten battles, “Tianzhi’s pride 2” is the number one hero.

After trying to trading, the chief chooses to say with this martial arts, and the salary space of $ 14 million is set, and the US $ 7.1 million will become a dead money. They will take advantage of these spaces, with younger rushing hands – Ford (DEE FORD) negotiation contract.

Edelman: The Eagle Eagle is extremely fierce

New England patriots take over Julian EDELMAN is very clear, the team in the Super Bowl Seattle Hawks have the most horrible defensive group of alliances, especially their second line. From the data on the data, the Haiye field has lost 9.8 points in the past eight games. From Richard Sherman, the Eagle 2nd line leads, only 39 compatings of the opponent single-way offense, the figures are the least alliance. For such a horrible defensive group, Edrman used the word “ferocious” to describe their opponents.

This does not mean that Houston’s strength has a significant degradation. In the 2018 season, he played 12 games, completed 9 kills, 37 times, and completed 2 killing 2 times in the playoffs. In the eight seasons of the chief, Houston completed 78.5 times, including 22-time killing of the 2014 season.

Edelman said: “They are different from other teams. Everyone is very high, strong, even fierce. They have a strong implementation, and we have some big sons, but this It feels completely different. We lack the experience of this opponent, so we must use a lot of time to prepare. “

Type Type Type Type has been troubled by ligament injury, and the rickets have been contracted him in February 2015, and then Sanji and San Francisco have signed a contract, but he did not have any opportunities at 49 people.

Best Competition: 49 in the 13th week, 1 time to kill, 3 times, 1 time, 1 time, copy, 1 time to destroy the ball Compared with this season, the Hawks lost the main force of five or six defensive groups. The “Booming Army” instantly collapsed, but the defensive data is not far from the gap in the season, the key is to play the leader of the defensive group leader Wagner. Wagner completed 29 anti-running interception, anti-transition rate alliance line guards, anti-transmission, as a line guard against the anti-counterpart rate of only 70%, average each gear After advancement of only 5.9 yards, no reachable array, but completed 1 turn-up and seven ruins. More exaggerated is that there is only one wrong hug in 138 hugs in the season season, and the efficiency leads to the entire alliance. Wagner’s physical strength, using leaders to play the leadership of the Habito defensive group, still in the playoffs.

Miller said that the first month of the season will be the key to completing 30 killing. He believes that it must enter the state at the beginning, and the 5th game in the top 5 games, then acquired 8 killing in the second month. He thinks this contact form is entirely possible.

Since the 1982 killing is included in the official statistics, there has been more than 22.5 times without the player’s single season. The highest record is the 22.5th killing of MICHAEL Strahan in 2001 in MICHAEL STRAHAN.

Miller currently careers the best data in 2012 18.5 times. Last season, although he had been facing the opponent’s double or even three people “care”, he still got 13.5 times, and did not get killed in the last four games in the regular season. His career has achieved 73.5 times.

This season is extremely efficient, and Thomas’ performance is typical. BRISTAMES ‘s pass in Tomas is 85.0% has become the first new history, 125 balls lead this season, and it is also the fifth level in history. In addition, the 1405-yard ranking League sixth, the average of 2.66 yards alliances, the second, only 3 times, this is a step by step, which has become the most horrible outer threat of the Alliance.

Just continued to renew the history of the defensive group, Donald immediately was surpassed by Carlier Mark, wholesale Nfl jerseys and then Donald was riveting and started to anger, the season of the season, the emirate, the game, and use his own defense The rule is to affect the winner of the game. Although in the game with the bear and the eagle, it is still the first to complete the first 20+ defensive cutout in the season, the number of murder, the number of times the total construction The imposing efficiency leads all of the entire alliance all the defenders, and the only player in the Alliance has more than 100 times, although the MVP is not expected, but the best defender is the nail.