auto clicker

The Single Best Strategy To Use For Auto Clicker With Timer Revealed

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The matter of fact is that it works equally good – irrespective of whether it’s a game, a software, an app or anything on your c Universal Use – I know – I’ve used the word ‘gaming’ or ‘games’ so frequently so far and this might have you thinking that this tool is mainly to help gamers or it would be effective only on a particular program.

Trigger Key – Enjoy the freedom of selecting any trigger key either from the mouse or the keyboard. You can choose the arbitrary keyboard key to trigger auto-clicking or choose a mouse button for

Keyboard & Mouse Recording – The feature that you should be concerned with the least is auto-clicking/recording. You can record your keyboard and mouse-related behaviours while you use the computer and see how this program flawlessly

Just like in case of other tools, you can interval – and customize it based on hours, minutes or seconds: even milli You can select a trigger button, you can select whether clicks would be singles ones or double ones and you can set for the time it will do auto-clicking. Customization – This tool does not have just as many customization options as you might enjoy in case of other such tools like Free Auto Clicker, but it surely lets you do a fair amount of customization.

Script Editor – If you want a script editor kind of tool that can automate any task, create executable files, can follow hundreds of visual commands and allows you to add your own commands, this tool is made

You can record your keyboard and mouse-related behaviours while you use the computer and see how this program flawlessly Keyboard & Mouse Recording – The feature that you should be concerned with the least is auto-clicking/recording.

For example, it can show the X and Y coordinates of the clicking point, it allows you to record as many click points as you want and you can tweak the time interval You can customize it to the point of precision that you want. Precision and Freedom – You can customize this tool the way you want and get maximum possible results.

Script Editor – If you want a script editor kind of tool that can automate any task, create executable files, can follow hundreds of visual commands and allows you to add your own commands, this tool is made

It does not only include right and left clicks, but the middle button is also i All-Inclusive – You might not feel like aha if I told you that this mouse-clicking tool is more inclusive than many standard auto-clickers for Chromebook or Android/iOS tablets.

It shows you the exact X & Y Coordinate of the clicking point. It frees you from repeated work that requires a lot of clicking and spares you more time for stuff you are into.

Smart Delay

Dynamic random delay time at runtime of mouse clicker is one of the important factors to help users can pass the AI of Google, Bing search engine.

Coordinate, Script, Schedule, Interval & All Things You May Need

Mouse Auto Clicker presents you with every feature that may come useful. The time interval between each click can be changed and you can even set a schedule to stop the clicking.

Auto Click for Universal Usage

Mouse Auto Clicker is can be used to assist you whenever you need the mouse to be clicked – playing games, using an app without batch processing ability to deal with hundreds of files, voting online or clicking on any type of webpage.

Save Money & Protect Your Health

Repeated clicking can cost you a fortune by damaging your mouse while it is also painful by causing wrist joints to numb, swell, etc. Mouse Auto Clicker can save your mouse from wear and tear and protect your health so that you will neither need to keep buying new mice nor seek help from doctors.

X & Y Coordinate Calculation

Don’t worry if you don’t have the exact X and Y coordinates on your screen auto clicker ( – Mouse Auto Clicker has a coordinate calculator to get X and Y coordinates calculated. You can record multiple clicking points and save them as a script for later and repeated use. It can simulate left clicks & right clicks on any screen or window on your computer. Mouse Auto Clicker to Bring You Ease and Joy

Auto click without pressing the mouse buttons! You can save the list to an FAC file so that you can load it the next time you need the same actions performed.

Support load list Co-ordinate from file.

Time Interval & Schedule

You can set the interval at which the clicks will occur, set pauses between clicks & automatically stop after a desired amount of clicks and time, with the count displayed. Free Auto Clicker can save your mouse from wear and tear and protect your health so that you will neither need to keep buying new mice nor seek help from doctors.

100% Free, Safe & Easy

This is freeware without the need to register. It performs the same clicks you recorded automatically when you are not by the computer. It provides a list of mouse clicks in sequence, where you can use the coordinate calculator to record multiple specific points and then hit Start to click them in order. Anyone who has downloaded & installed it can have permanent free updates and free technical support. It automates the mouse clicks and makes scheduling tasks easier and more accurate ever.

Help with Investment & Shopping

Repeated clicking can cost you a fortune by damaging your mouse while it is also painful by causing wrist joints numb, swell, etc. Just move the mouse cursor to the place where you would like the program to click and press the spacebar so that the click at this point can be s

Command List to File

Mouse Auto Clicker allows you to record one or multiple clicks. It is suitable for all kinds of users, whether experienced or not. It provides hotkeys to control all actions. If needed, you can also put the window on top of the others.

Assist Your Game

If you are a fan of PC games and online games, Free Auto Clicker also provides you the convenience to help you enjoy the games without some unavoidable, irritating & constant clicking. It comes without any disturbance of adware, spyware, malware, and viruses. It also has fine control over clicking repetition, duration, and interval. What fun it is!

Auto Clicker on Web Pages

If you are always surfing on the internet, you may find a lot of web pages that require you to sit and click for a while to achieve your goals such as online slot machine games, bingo, news, and broadcast sites. Mouse Clicker clicks on all of these pages for you without Also, some pages may provide online polls that allow repeat voting. All you need to do is to input the number. You can go out and spend more time with your friends and families while the computer keeps feeding your pets, mining, woodcutting, fishing, forging a massive amount of equipment like weapons & armors, repeatedly traveling from one area to another, etc. Mouse Auto Clicker is 100% clean and safe for all computers.