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Ohio State University quad-pin Justin-Philz is working hard to enter cheap nfl jerseys control epilepsy

Epilepsy did not slow down, Ohio State University, Justin, Justin Fields, in the university, and he is more unintentionally in NFL therefore affected.

According to sources, Fürtz’s team realized that Fürtes was treating epilepsy & mdash; & mdash; a nervous system that could cause epilepsy. This disease did not affect his previous football career, and the doctor believes he will cure as other lovers.

Philz was diagnosed with epilepsy in a child, but the symptoms became shorter and less and less, as long as he took medication, there would be no condition.

According to sources, team medical staff have discussed Filz’s treatment programs, as well as if any events occur in NFL career, if any events (such as brain shock) may make him face greater risks. But Füred did not absence any game in the university. His universities were once the Hayisman trophy final player and the best top ten offensive players in the year. In the past January, lead the team to participate in the National Championship.

Ryan Day, wholesale jerseys com Ryan Day, said in Wednesday: “Justin’s health, tenacity and professional ethics are not a problem. I feel very good for his professional level and his personality inside and outside the scene. “” “He never missed the game of Ohio, which fully explained how he knows how to take care of himself.”

Fürtz will not be the first athlete who has epilepsy but performs excellent performance on the NFL. cheap football jerseys from china Star Beene Alan Fanneca took medication throughout the career to control seizures. In 2007, the Samari Rolle of Baltimore, Samari Rolle, had three major seizures in front of the doctor’s guidance, absent six games.

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