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McDotmurt has worked with Anderson in the sixth year of the black panther, and Bill Offense Coordinator Brian Dabol is also met with Anderson. In 2009, when Durto served as an offensive coordinator in Brown, Anderson was a 9 game for Brown. Anderson’s last first debut is in 2016.

McCadu has served as two years of head coaches in Giants, and the most famous decision is to use Gino Smith to start the first hair of Eli Manning. McCoo once in lightning, wild horses and saga, and it took 8 years in the Black Leopard coach.

Bill originally planned Anderson as an Alan’s mentor. After Ellen injured, taking into account the performance of Nathan Peterman three five times, Bill decided to believe that this 14-year ball will be.

It has been reported last week that the former giant coach and the Jagu-Tiger executive Tom Coughlin were the consultants in the process of establishing the coaching team. This week, the Leopard has won the Joe Brady of the University of Louisiana, let him serve as a new offensive coordinator. Al Holcomb will serve as the anti-run coordinator.

O’Brien has been adhered to the first quarter-saving decision without timetable, and there will be clear starters before the end of the spring or early training camp. It is still 10 days from the end of the spring.

NFLPA will pay attention to the quality problem of red leather stadium turf

In Thanksgiving Night Race, the turbid of the Red Pitch is prepared. Therefore, NFLPA decides to intervene in investigation.

We still think that this decision will make it after the training camp is started, but in the case of the mandatory mini training camp, the Hoyel or Maeart still proves that he can become the first time before the Spring is started next week. Quarter.

Expert analysis, the Cowboys hope to reach an agreement as soon as possible with Bryant, then franchise tag for Murray. But if the negotiations stalled, the Cowboys do not rule out the possibility of using the franchise tag on Bryant.

Bryant this season, completed 14 touchdowns Lianpao Union, http://hackfabmake.space/ over the past three seasons he totaled 39 touchdowns. Because Terrence – Williams (Terrance Williams) and Jason – Witten (Jason Witten) mediocre this season, Bryant’s role and value has been repeatedly amplified. If you want to keep Bryant, the Cowboys may need to provide a level of at least 5 of the league’s top wide receiver contracts. In response, Jones is confident, he said he was confident that Bryant will always remain in denim.

The game advertisement is in the super bowl in the middle of the show for a long time. The earliest advertisement dates back to 2010 “Ding’s Hell Tour”, last year’s advertisements include two mobile games in the “War Age”.

According to reports, this advertisement will encourage players “training” their pet elf. In the battle and card trading system, players do targeted training for the battle between the elf. Nintendo is recording this advertisement with Omelet Company in Los Angeles.

Nintendo will put the pocket monster advertisement in the super bowl

Nintendo Company announced: To celebrate the 20th anniversary celebration of the Pokemon Series, this year’s super bowl midfield will be put on.

Texas people coach: Before the training camp, decided to start quad-saving

The production of HBO “Strong Training Camp” program group can definitely be able to show Brian Hoyer and Ryan Mallett during this summer shot of Houston. A fierce four-guard competition.

However, NFL believes that there is no problem with the stadium. wholesale nfl jerseys spokesperson Michael Signora, said: “In the game, NFL rugby running officials did not find any problems with the quality of the stadium. In these two days, we did not receive any complaints about the problem of turf.”

Jones: Do not rule out the possibility of using the franchise tag on Bryant

For the Dallas Cowboys, despite running back DeMarco – Excellent Murray (DeMarco Murray) this season, but wide receiver Hernandez – Bryant (Dez Bryant) is still the number one target to renew the team. As they will become a free agent after the season, Cowboys owner Jerry – Jones (Jerry Jones) revealed this week, they both want to be able to leave, but if forced, will use the franchise tag on Bryant him.

As part of the event, Nintendo also launched the topic of the # pokemon20 # in social media, and the fans of the pocket monsters will be able to use this topic to share their aesthetic memories of the pet elf.

Giving the first quarter-breaking training in the training camp can best help him prepare a new season. Early early quarter-off competition can also give O’Brien more time to ensure that their offensive system can run normal in the first week.

“This decision may be made before the start of the training camp,” O’Brien said: “They compete every day (team organization training and mini training camp), this competition is very intense. So we might Soon picking out the first selection. If we have not made a decision and this decision needs to wait until the beginning of the training camp, we will complete this matter very early. The team needs to know who is the first quarter-saving, we need Go to work next step. “

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Hawks, Crow intention to sign up to take over Antonio – Brown

Last season, Antonio Brown had only played a game, followed by a series of off-site problems. Despite this, Brown demonstrated talent and capabilities over the past few years, let him still have the possibility of striving for the second opportunity.

The 31-year-old Gustoski career’s shooting rate was 86.8%. Over the past eight years, it has been considered one of the most stable players in the alliance. In the past two seasons, the hit rate has reached 92.7% and 94.6%. The new season, the alliance introduces additional split regulations, the distance of the free kick is 15 yards, which means that the stability of the player will be more important.

A team management person called this election to “the key node of the draft”, which is very reasonable. The fourth bit is just that the quadruption team needs to grab the position before Denver wild horse.

Patriot and playing the ball for a long time

New England Patriots play Stephen Gostkowski will become the highest income of the league. According to NFL official website reporters, the Patriot has reached an agreement with Gustoski for a four-year contract, worth $ 17.2 million.

Kristeian Kirk said: “Honestly, according to the performance and coach’s evaluation of the current two, I think Bradford will definitely be the first. But the plan can’t change the change, the training camp is about Sicked a lot of opportunities, let him show their talents. No matter what to say, these two people have the ability to win the winner. The two people are very good, Sam will make you learn a lot. And Josh is also a new show, we will make progress together. “

Brown has a lot of trouble, there is a lot of trouble, and the team with interested signed a contract must be very good. Currently Crow’s external handlers include Brown, Miles Boykin and Willie Snead. The Hawk holds Tayler Lockett, D.K. Metcalf (D. Metcalf) and Phillip Dorsett. If the duplication application passes, Josh Gordon may also join the Hawks.

Lightning abandoned kickle lock bone fracture season reimbursement

The San Diego flash is constantly injured. On Saturday, they once again announce that the team abandoned Mike, Mike Scifres, will be included in the injury reserve because of the clavicle fracture. This also means Even if the team enters the playoffs, he can’t play again.

For the Rashtary and Hawks, this game is not only the war battle, but also ranking in the post-season. But unfortunately, although theoretically unlimited possibilities, the efforts made by the two are probably useless.

In addition to these three teams, Baltima Crow and Cincinnati Tiger have certainly want to pick four-point guard, but the Brown, which is in the same partition, can spend a huge price. In addition, the new England patriots are also tried to have some rookie quadrants.

17 weeks, packaging workers and Viking will be wrestled for the National North Championship. The entanglement of Brett Falf brought out so that this game is like a grievance. However, are you willing to win the hook of the Hawks at home, or lose the red skin to the capital?

The reporter reported that: “The teams are doing sniffing. Antonio Brown and Haiying Subject 2 points Guino – Smith (Geno Smith) has training together, Seattle is also interested in signed him. The crow has Brown True Human MARQUISE BROWN, they have also tested before. “

Let us assume that the two teams will take out 100% state in this game, and their potential opponents in the outer plunger are actually determined before the game. If the packaging is via Viking, they will definitely be the No. 5 seeds in Washington. The situation of Viking people is slightly more complicated, the worst situation is: the Haiying battle this week, Viking is lost to the package. That means that the Viking people fell to the No. 6 seed, the Langbao Stadium will “green bay love me again” for two consecutive weeks.

After a list of the injury in Xuelis, the lightning will be promoted Cheap Jerseys From China the training lineup from the training lineup. This move also means that the original first-year-old Chris Watt will be very likely to continue to absent this week because of an ankle injury.

If Wat is indeed unable to play, lightning will enable Trevor Robinson as the first center of the trip this week. He will be expected to become a 5th place in the season. In the 49 people in San Francisco last week, Robinson was replaced by Watt injury, and his manifestations were in the rules.

At the same time, due to the reimbursement of the Johnnie Troutman season, Lightning will use Jeremiah Sirles to send a right striker. This will also become a combination of 5th predetermined offensive front lines used in this season.

If the Haiye is lost to the red tones, it must be a seed of the No. 6 seed against the North Championship. The sea eagle may pray for the blue rock network, but in the eyes of the chief of the saga, Aliis seems that no bad fence does not need to repair, the main lineup should be the Hawk is this.

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“They all have a speed, they all have the ability to make you miss, they all have the ability to break through the hug, relying on the power of the ball,” Hiriani said. “They have some different scorpions, but they are all comprehensive running guards. I think we have a happiness, that is, there are two players who can give the ball. This will only help our rush. Ball attack. “

In endorsed Steelers general manager Kevin – Colbert (Kevin Colbert) believe this quarterback – Rose Rees Berg (Ben Roethlisberger) is no doubt the team leaders view at the same time, Ward also need to think Big Ben there are better leader skills.

“We know we want to drive the ball. We know that there are many teams in the alliance to show excellent performances in the past, they have had excellent running guards in the past, combined fists & rsquo;” Hiriani said. “But I feel that our team is & lsquo; double boxing & rsquo; because we have two such excellent running guards.”

Most of the Finley is a substitute quarter-off. Joe Burrow was seriously hurt in the 11th week, and Finley replaced him in place, but because of poor performance, Ailranda was activated from the training lineup to the big list.

Ward is not the first storm for today expressed disappointment Steelers legend, after running back Jerome – Bettis (Jerome Bettis) also made similar remarks. Ward is not the first to question Big leadership of former Steelers player. Now playing for the Denver Broncos wide receiver Emmanuel – Sanders (Emmanuel Sanders) had a similar view.

“I heard all these Pittsburgh Steelers storm off let me down, never before such a thing,” Ward mentioned about running back Leiwei Ang – Bell (Le & # 39; Veon Bell) and wide receiver Antonio – said in Brown (Antonio Brown) News. “This is unfortunate as Leiwei Ang – Bell and Antonio Brown – the two best players next season will not stay in the team but yes, this is the team leader he served as leader, he has done so. . the only thing I think he had to take the initiative to become a better leader not only in his radio program he openly criticized his teammates have to put criticism behind the scenes & mdash;.. & mdash; like the way they treat are & mdash; & mdash; you know we always say that we are brothers & mdash; & mdash; like privately let me know what I can do to improve my performance you do not have to say so publicly so that everyone knows so I think he had to become better. leader. “

However, the output of Kleabartri is a bit not worthy of the top of the top of the top. He first participated in all 16 regular sessions, only completed 54 battles, advanced 607 yards, reached 3 times. The ball is only 54%, and the new career is low.

Klebtria signed a contract for $ 21 million in March 2018, the 2019 season of 5 million US dollars. John Brown and Willie Snead, with him, and Willie Snead, and Circleplus.io Crows have hoped that these three people can become a powerful reinforcement of external groups.

In Monday’s nuclear magnetic resonance imaging examination, Kitte was confirmed that the inner sub-tunnel belt had damage, but he was recently seen in the 49-person training base, and there was no effect. This allows the team to believe and hope that he can return to the third week.

The Finley has 4 games in the season, and the ball is 10 times, and the 75 yards are pushed, not reached, and it is copied twice. He also sent a battle in 3 games in the new year. At present, the Tiger has experienced five losses. Since 2015, he has not won this week’s opponent Pittsburgh Steelman. Since the 12th week, the Tiger offensive group has only taken three times to reach, the same period of the league.

Mark and Taylor can serve as the main running guards of Pony. Last season Mike completed 247 shots to get 1091 yards. At the same time, Taylor is one of the most excellent running guards in the history of university rugby. When the University of Wisconsin, he pushes more than 2000 yards per season.

Pony offensive coach: running Dow Macon – Mike and Jonathan – Taylor also excellent

There are many NFL teams called the best two runners in the team as “combined fists”, but the pony has different calls to their running guards.

Steelers legend Ward: Big Ben need to become a better leader

Beijing February 24 hearing With the continuous fermentation of the Pittsburgh Steelers storm, more and more people to stand up and express their views.

However, it is difficult to believe that the steel man is very difficult to believe in the performance of the steel man last season. Nowadays, Antonio – Brown gets a new contract return, healthy running Wilver-Bell (Le & # 39; veon Bell) and external hand Martavis bryant (first resumed the appearance) Let the decision to retire become more difficult. We can’t forget that the steel man really does not have a lot of preparations if you retire, and the performance of the four-point guardian Dien Jones is unable to make people feel how much confidence.

49 people hope that the close-edge George-Kitel will return to the third week

San Francisco 49-year-old George Kittle is recovered from the inner sub-ligament of the left knee, which usually makes most players to lack a few weeks, but 49 people think he is ready to return to fight On the third week of New York Giants.

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The fastest man in the world, the Olympic sprinter, Yusien Bolt, the fastest speed is approximately 43.45 km / h, so Hill’s speed will not have the world level. But Bolt is neither wearing equipment, nor is it worried that someone came to him. Hill’s achievements on the football court have been amazed.

Aville is originally what we believe should win the most valuable players last season’s super bowl, but this news is a bit sudden. Avier has only achieved 4.5 times in this season, but the data will also be lie. Professional Rugby Focus Network (Profootball Focus) statistics from Aville to get 38 championships and 9 impact quarters. He was rated as a ninth high-end shock of the defensive end position, just after teammate Michael Bennett. Aville and Bennet are 2013 as a beautiful free player who is a good price-checked free agent and has already received a lot of money.

Re-emerge the Hawks to renew the defensive end Aville

With this season, Seattle Hawks’ defensive emerged as the most dominant combination of the alliance. They once again make sure they can keep the defensive group complete.

Only 28-year-old Aville and Bennet provide high quality old will pass the shock hand choice. The Hawks can choose a future shock hand in the draft, and they know that the starting lineup in the next few years is actually stable. Pete Carroll has clarified that he prepares a big hand to keep the defensive group to keep intact, and it is hoped to develop offensive group players.

“It feels a bit strange,” Peak said, “I have forgotten what is not participating in the training. The teammates are training on the training room. I am sitting in the training room. I feel very lonely. I have a continuous first hair, Scorpio, I have to get Thank God. I will try to restore health and continue. “

Defense guard: In addition to being good at intercepting the opponent’s defensive player, the defensive defender sometimes acts as a short-passed ball in the A formation, so he has a slightly known twice on how to catch the ball.

Look at the defensive players who have already signed with the Hawks will make people feel unbelievable. Carol and General Manager John Schneider has been with Wright, Avil, Bente, Corner Wei Richard Sherman, Safety Wei Kam Chambellor and Earr – Thomas. It is difficult to maintain a great defensive group staff, but this group has a chance to become one of the greatest combinations in the future.

Wash a 34: The play is usually used when it is close to the first attack or more, as long as your quarter-saving has a pressure. All health needs to be responsible for the defensive range, and there may be a vulnerability to let the opponent to kill.

Hill’s fastest speed approximately 37.40 km / h, and he ran this data in the 105-yard coming of the second week, but the attacked was canceled because of the foul. This is the only speed of 37 km / h throughout the season. Hill ran out the second fast speed of the season in the 86 yards of the 12th week.

The third speed of the season came from Washington Red Leather Endended Denen Jackson, he ran 36.37 km / h at a 59-yard ball at the 13th week. The fastest speed from the defenders from Viking corner Wei Zavil Rhodes, he ran out 36.05 km / h at the 11th week of the 100 yard copy of the 11th week.

Those lay in the history of American football

In the 6th week of the 2014 season, the Carolina Black Leopard has an rare lay of the game of Cincinnati, until the end of the overtime, the two sides battle into 37-37, which is also the highest in the history of the league.

Quadruplicate: The T-format is very similar, in the A formation, quad-guards need many fake moves before making real offensive options to blind each other. If you have a strong punch ability, you can let him go to attack.

Previously, Atlantian Funding, Atlantian Funding, the Atlanta, who was in the main court, ushered in flat, Washington red skin, wholesale jerseys but the game was more difficult than expected. Previously showed a four-point Swan Matt Ryan and the outer handle, Julio Jones was restricted, and the expected manifestations were unable to play. Fortunately, the red skin offensive is equipped with the same weakness, and the two sides of the offensive group have a total of 5 mistakes. However, the game started to enter the fourth quarter, the two sides alternately, in the last time of the runa, Devonta Freeman, the last minute, complete 6 yards, the ball, to help the Falcon, red skin quartz Kirk Cousins ​​success rate The team promoted to a free kick, and the red skin kicked into the game to drag the game into the time. However, Cossins helped red skin into the overtime match, the first wave of attack was encountered by the pass. External hand Lai En-Grand (RYAN GRANT) slightly causes Falcon Corner Wei-Alford to easily copy the ball and attack 59 code. This game, Falcon Run Bathfeman is still the most dazzling star, and he takes a total of 197 yards to 1 time. Falcon 25-19 defeated red skin.

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The chief is activated from the injury list.

Joe Mays, Kansas, Joe Mays, ready to return, and the team announced on Saturday that the old war line is activated cheap jerseys From China the injury list due to wrist surgery in 8 games this season.

However, just like this year’s break, the epidemic has caused an impact on his signing. When participating in the podcast, this draft group indicates that he will suspend the contract with the team due to the influence of the epidemic.

It is still not sure that Metz will play Sunday’s game (5-3), and the chief hope can eventually let Mezh Maugh, Moq, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Mo, Moq (Josh Mauga). Buffalo is more concerned about Justin Houston. This white hot chieftain has taken 12 times this year, Houston is expected to break the Emirates by Derrick-Thomas (Derrick) The team history of Thomas has recorded 20 times.

On-site security is also cheering for steel people

We can always see the police station in the cheap nfl jerseys from china stadium side. They are there to prevent some crazy things, and of course, sometimes they feel like sufferingists.

In the third game, the two sides have played a complete offensive round, although it is time consuming, there is no tree. In the package, the round of the package can get at least one free kick, but when the three-speed attack, the center of the center flew out and flew out, lost 14 yards, and the tapping of the player. . After three sections, the bear 14:13 is still leading the package.

But Nick’s body has a congenital defect, with a height of 5 feet 8, with a weight of 200 pounds. Whether it is in the university stadium or a professional stadium as a wire guard, it is really unsafe to swim in the middle area. Even if his university data is great, he is also difficult to compete with large offensive lines in the alliance.

As the raid person’s first mid-range guard in the 2013 season, Rochi has been injured in the knee before the start of the season. Although he made a lot of efforts in order to retro the game, it will eventually only choose surgery. Last month, San Francisco’s related experts made opinions on Roch’s recovery situation and believed that Roch’s recovery is not as expected, and it is very likely that it cannot be repeated in 2015. Relevant persons revealed that Rochi himself is very depressed for injuries, he has hints or will therefore choose to retire.

The 29-year-old Rochi career completed 346 hugs and manufactured 9 times. In the eight seasons, he successively acts in the Chicago bear and the raid, a total of 96 times. In view of the physical condition of Roch, there will be no team with him at this stage. If you want to revert to Roch’s age and ability, you will be a great choice for Rochi’s age and ability.

Line Wend Roch is tried by the raid, or chooses to retire

Old Wire Nick Roach is under the underestimation of career. Auckland raids announced that the old will have been reachded by the “physical reasons”. Last season, Rochi chooses to accept knee surgery in October and end the season in advance.

Metz took the sixth round by the Philadelphia eagle in 2008 and played two seasons in Philadelphia, and came to Denver’s wild horse three seasons, and then played 13 games in Houstown in Houstown last season.

The second half is zero, the packaging works Thanksgiving Festival regrets the bear team

Beijing time November 27, the third battle of Thanksgiving is the Green Bay packaging worker to sit on the main scene of the Chicago Bear. In the second quarter, the bear team made a small garden of attacks, established a weak leading advantage, but under the efforts of the bear defensive group, the second half of the package was sealed, holding the victory. The score of the audience is the bear 17:13 packwork.

The first half of the second game is somewhat dull. However, when Rexi appeared, after the turn of the ball was mistaken, the Ren Decline of the bear seems to be suddenly turned. First, Jay Cutler 3 yard passed the push of the close-end sharp-Miller equalized the score. Then in the second quarter less than a minute, Jeremy Langford 1 yards helped the bear team against the score. The package worker only completed two free splitters twice after two of the bear teams. At the end of the half, the bear team is slightly led by 14:13.

Some teams and players believe that some high-time first round show this year may sign a rookie contract than in the past, because the epidemic has an impact on team revenue. They are not worried that the players and teams will eventually be signed, but because the teams may lose their stadium and TV broadcast income, each team may have a silver root, so some teams may want to pay the signing bonus than in the past.

The fourth game, the bear team has three-speed attack in the 5 yards of the package, and has not reached the array. He has to obtain 4 points from the lead in 4 points. Then both sides will give up a round. In the game, after the game left, the package was once again got the ball, and Luo Je took a copy of the 3 consecutive over 10 yards. Fortunately, the package workers have retarded the lapse of time, and the defensive group also successfully rushed to Rogers. Rogers quickly led the entire offensive group to enter the 10 yard of the bear in 51 seconds left. But when there is 22 seconds left, the four-speed offense of the package was defeated by the bear team. At home, Brett’s gaze is regrettable. The score of the whole game is 17:13.

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Safford originally planned a contract with a three-year value of $ 42.5 million in a five-year worth 42.5 million, but in the end he can only sign a contract with the ram, the contract is only 5 years, but only 31.3 million. Maybe one of the reasons why Safford is so dissatisfied is the loss of 11 million.

Subsequently, Sarford chooses to return to the ram. So far, he has always closed this incident. Until this week, Safford finally had a dissatisfaction in the air: “At the time, my situation was too bad, anyone could not endure the situation. Therefore, I really look forward to this game, I I hope to win the victory. Of course, I didn’t expect it to win in this way before the game. Our attackers are excellent, we agree to this victory. But for me, I really hope that I will really hope Win 76 points. “

Week 17 is regarded as Manuel’s starting to workout before the 2017 season. Such a decision will not be made as coach when Ryan, Ryan Taylor is the main proponents of Taylor and he has been to secure the starting position. So for Ryan Taylor is fired is bad news.

Ramaday: I really hope we can win 76 points

Shengluos ram this week 52-0 wins the Auckland raid, this victory also has special significance for the team’s cut Roger Saffold. At the rest, he once signed a free player’s identity with the raid, but the final team was injured in the shoulder of Safford to cancel this signing.

Brown This side naturally wants 49 people to know how valuable in the alliance, but it is really complicated. Potential Benefits will be asked to give 49 people at the same time to give the high renewal contract he wants at the same time.

But also a derby, the two sides also a strong defensive attack is weak. Because of the young and goats, their fitness will be a major weakness. Way back last year Goat war Nighthawk, the first half draw, their team spirit is particularly tenacious. The two sides before the game did not show a offensive capability, Apache personnel more complete, slightly the upper hand. This war will be held in Guangzhou on grounds NFL football weekend at 17:00 on September 21st.

Dock workers north whirlwind challenges. Dock workers win first stop, the momentum is now rising. Tornado strong defense, attack weaker, the case against the officers should not the whole does not exist in the home, and dock workers there such a possibility. Overall, the cyclone is slightly larger chance of winning. This war will be held in Beijing on grounds NFL football weekend at 17 o’clock on September 21.

Fox Sports Mike Garafolo said the high demand of the sharp position of Bourne (Liridge) (Note: Miami Dolphine) (Note: Miami Dolphus) (Note: Miami Dolphus) Richie Incognito The protagonist of the rookie) is also “someone asks”, it is estimated that there will be a team “radical” pursuit of Brun.

cheap nfl jerseys from china official website reporter Ian Rapoport has no progress in the team and their reliable right strikes on Saturday. Latport is also informed of some teams of some teams in the alliance believe that Bohen will ask for transactions.

In 2018, Cossins joined Viking in a contract of $ 84 million in a full guarantee of 3 years. He is about to enter the last year of the contract. Continction let him have a 3 year of $ 96 million contracts, guaranteed revenue reached $ 61 million.

According to previous forecasts, dock worker sitting on home advantage and the second session of the potential champion, will boisterous battle. cheap jerseys from china the point of view on the score, the two sides do mutual dealings, but one important reason is its own mistakes boisterous defeat.

But the patriots’ players are a sleeping lion, if needed, Braddy and Pillak can stimulate them at any time, let them become the most threatened players on the field. Today, this beast is White, completing the 14th boller of the superb bowl record, pushing 110 yards to get 1 time, complete a key two-point conversion in the fourth quarter, twice, twice, twice Score, including the winning points of the overtime.

Breddy with calm and calm is as important as leaders, but the character players of the patriots are also an important assistance to the top peak. It is often not Braddy & mdash; & mdash; but the small players who are not valued.

Boisterous second expedition, the situation is not optimistic, back to back is not so easy to play, not to mention Trident has won in Beijing, some darling. The boisterous and arduous struggle can not escape.

In the first super bowl of Breddy, it is also a silent running guard JR Rydmon & mdash; & mdash; the patriot of the eighth ball in the year and the fourth Warfare & mdash; & mdash; completed in the promotion of the patriot 3 key crisis. In addition, two super bowls were victory, and Line Weike-Volibere completed the decline in the second half, helping the patriotic leader.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble financially, interim coach Anthony – Bill will be used to evaluate the Week 17 game at Lynn Manuel (Anthony Lynn) led. The former first-round pick quarterback will become a free agent in the offseason.

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Run Dendier-Rexi will ablate this week

Tuesday, Green Bay Packaging Works from Kansas Emirates, Knile Davis, is to ensure that the team starts to run Wei Did-Leis (Eddie Lac) can be fully Time is recovered from injuries.

It is reported that Lei Wisi did not participate in the training of the team yesterday, and his replacement James Starks has just conducted a knee surgery, absence more than the game, perhaps this week Davis will become the only running guard of the package. Of course, maybe your external connections will come to act as an run.

Man Zeer on Wednesday was officially diagnosed with a concussion and came into the league concussion recovery process. Man Zeer said he had symptoms of concussion occurs when the team came to the base. In the last game Man Zeer rushed the ball 100 yards and made subject to the opponents defenders crashing repeatedly.

For Manze Er, this is the end of another disappointing season seed unsatisfactory manner. He passes 223 129 successes 7 touchdowns in the season passes steals 5, made blunt ball 230 yards. This season played 10 times, including six starts (8-4 2).

Petín said Thursday to reporters Man Zeer performance on the field this season that he can become Brown’s quarterback in the future, but they cautioned that under field problems so that “his success is difficult to continue.”

Petín words means that Man Zeer in a vulnerable position in the team in the next offseason. Brown may find that they hold the top draft pick signed Monday. Man Zeer in the past two years did not grasp the opportunity. If you choose to give Brown his, he can only blame himself.

“Davante Adams, when I left the university, he is one of the main outer hands I am concerned,” Aiyu said on Tuesday. “I watched all the games last season and saw his performance and saw what he could do on the start of the line and in the route.”

This year’s training camp James Harrison only needs to wear sports pants

Many cheap nfl jerseys‘s old will enjoy no need to wear equipment and helmets in the training camp. But for Cheap nfl jerseys coaches, this is not what they want to see.

Cleveland coach Mike Brown – Petín (Mike Pettine) on Thursday announced that Man Zeer will be lost due to play the Kansas City Chiefs suffered a concussion in a game against the Pittsburgh Steelers missed the season finale.

At that time, Goff thought that he ran to the route of Dhane District, so he was hit by Shelman. At present, Shelman is not preparing to apologize for the impact of the fourth quarter of the game, and Shelman called this impact as a gift for Earl Thomas.

Aiji Chicked a great learning template. In addition to the influence of an ankle injury, Adams has become one of the best external hands of the league. He has selected a professional bowl 3 times, and becomes a team’s top, and constantly makes the opponent defensive player to eat.

The predecessor management of Hongbar is one of the best horns in the Union when Dunbar is in health. One of the Dunbar pointed out that he was the second high angular guard in the professional football focus network last season.

The rookie of the ram, the four points, Goff will play the game against 49 people.

The four-point guard of the Los Angeles ram, Jared Goff, was hit by the Haiying Horn Richard Sherman (Richard Sherman) in the 15th week of the 15th week. .

Due to contractual differences and in order to avoid injury, Dunbar will not participate in the spring team training. The risk of injury and lack of security revenue makes him urgently want to sign a contract with the team to protect their future contracts.

The red skin has been hidden in the corner guard. Another corner Josh Norman may be cut off. His contract has been 1 year, and if it is cut off, it can save $ 12.43 million salary space for Red Leather. Norman was derived by the end of the last season, and the last 6 games came to 10 files. The red skin tried to trade him out before the transaction deadline, but failed to find the next home.

In view of the injury problems currently encountered in the 49-person offensive group, they will hope that Ai Ke will continue to grow and play more important roles. Although he may not reach the level of Vante-Adams, Aiji has found a correct learning object.

The 37-year-old 37-year-old person of this Pittsburgh will have been prepared for this summer. This is his first slow down to stay with the team. His top priority is to help those players who are not in the special group. It is more laughter without many training tasks for him.

49 people Xiujiao Email Kik: Packaging Equipment Ensharm Adams is a learning template

When San Francisco 49 people faced the Green Bay packaging workers in the past Thursday night, 49 people will take advantage of Brandon Aiyuk, I will have the opportunity to see my own efforts to imitate.

After the first week of the leg crisp injury, Aiji gradually participated in the 49-person attack, he had played a bright eye in 2 consecutive games. In the seventh week competition, Iriake completed the 115 yards in 6 batches. In the game competition, he completed 8 batches to get 91 yards 1 time.

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However, the 4-year 72 million contract team completed by him and the team needed him more such performance, but so far, the entire regular season of Osville has been blocked, and the success rate of passing is only 59%. Passing to 16 times, the four-point guards were only 72.2.

Carol: Rales will send a war

Seattle Sea Eagle Catholic Pitt-Carroll was confirmed on Wednesday on local time, and Thomas Rawls will serve as the Los Angeles ram. Rales misses all the events of the snap-in team because the ankle injury is absent, and the top three preseason games.

I have also played rugby when I was young, Ahoneybot.com and it was a fan. However, this job made me see the angle of the rugby game and others. I trained myself to watch the game and watch the game in the field. The “ground height” in the true sense. Most people are looking at the outer walking of the road to catch the ball in the venue, but I am paying attention to his fast-moving feet, see if his step is smooth. Or observe the soles of the wire, see if his support is easier than usual? Or sometimes weather mutations, I may start to worry that the night cream will make the grass becomes very slippery.

Brock – Osweil wants to write a great ending for Texas people

Houston Texas people’s four-point BROCK OSWEILE hopes to brush the bad performance of the regular season in the playoffs, and write a great ending for Texas.

But such a statement has no meaning, Osweiler’s performance is like a disaster, this is unable to give fans believe he can lead the team to defeat the patriots, which can’t prove that he may continue to be the team’s first quarter. guard.

Last season, Rales was at risk after injury in Ma Shawn Lynch, and the code was 5.65 yards. His grab performance in the rookie season made people regard him to the top ten of the future alliance. Now, Rales has returned to health, and he will return to the game to prove that he last season is not a flower.

Award quiz: Come and participate in our prize quiz, download the NFL football app, please forward this article to a circle of friends (not forwarded or forwarded 9 o’clock on November 12), the winning is not forwarded. Weird, ruthless. In this article in this article in the NFL Rugby APP, leave your answer below: How much is the ratio of both parties? For example: Hawks 20-10 49 people, we draw 1 answer to the lucky fans, send a genuine duckling cap!

Jimmy Garoppolo has just spent the second anniversary of the San Francisco, although the knee is slow, it is slow, but the 75% of the season is more than the league. It is more than 10% higher than. After the team’s high price, Emmanuel Sanders, Gallo Pubo took a 77.9% hit rate, 8.3 average code came out of 6 reacons, of which Sanders was taken as a target for 11 times. Ball, 136 yards and 2 reachaes. If you continue to perform such a pass, then equip the first running guard of the league, 9 people will not block the defensive defensive in the sea eagle.

And maintaining the football court has a largest contradictory conflict & mdash; & mdash; turbid is not born to be used. Ball shoes and wholesale Jerseys turf are more like a pair of enemies. One of them always thinks to destroy the other party. Imagine that you have a large piece of beans. A year in 6 to 7 months, there is a stepping on the place, and you will be reinited every time you step on it. And the stadium must be prepared for the next game after each game, restore to the best state, the ball will not stop, the court must be recovered, this is also the challenge and charm of this job.

The veteran linebacker said Monday on Twitter that he has agreed to sign with the New York Giants. NFL official website reporter Ian – Ian Rapoport (Ian Rapoport) according to people familiar with news reports that the contract for a period of 2 years, the maximum value of up to $ 5 million.

Moreover, turf also needs to carefully care, and grass on the environment is high. I often think that my relationship between me and the grass is like parents and children, they need time care, Lanbao’s venue has never been placed in a day, we will check it in detail every day. It is necessary to check several times in the hot summer day, and it is the case when the winter is coming. I said to others: If you see that the peasants start, it means that our work has begun. We will even start working more than the peasants, just because there is a heating system in our venue, you can enter the spring than the great nature.

In the first week of competition, Christine Michael got a first-ranking opportunity, and Rales was also played as a rotational player. The game, Michael is 63% of the number of offensive files, and the number of code reaches 4.4 yards, and the Rales’ average code is only 2.7 yards.

New York Giants signed linebacker Connor – Barr text

After Beijing July 24 hearing through a successful year in the Los Angeles Rams, Connor – Barr text (Connor Barwin) back in the National League East.

Next time you look at a game of bad weather, don’t forget that there is another team in this time: Situators maintenance personnel. We are fighting with old days, eradicating rain and snow or alleviating the influence of ice and snow on turf, sometimes when everyone has entered a dream, we still work on the venue, as long as the venue requires the team needs, we will not stop Until the whistle started to the game, our work told a paragraph and enjoy the fun of watching the game before the next day.

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Whether such tension and anxiety are because of the raid, Jon Gruden and cheap nfl jerseys From china the new general manager Mike Med Mike, Mike Mayock is planning to make an unexpected decision in the election first round without wanting ?

Labport explanation: “This is what I understand. There will be a choice outside of our expectations in the 4th time. So actually I don’t know who they will choose. I have some guesses. Maybe German – WHITE. Maybe four-point guard, like Dwayne Haskins or if he is still in, Kyler Murray. Maybe an offensive front line Player. No one predicts that they will be selected in that position, and maybe knowing it is a disappearance. But according to I understand this is a choice that should surprise us. “

Jones said in an interview: “In any case, the most important thing is always to protect Luo’s health. We must also keep him health. We really have a very talented Yemil-Elliot, his this year. The arrival of our team is very helpful, not only helps to run, he is still a threatened backfield, and his pass protection is also excellent, and the help he provides will greatly alleviate The burden of Romo, let us return to the offensive status two years ago, and use long-term control ball to win the game. We are very excited about the status of the team. “

White is an interesting choice at this location. This line guard from Louisiana State University is widely considered to be the best vulnerability of this year’s draft, and can fill the huge vulnerability of the raid guard. Is the line guard worth a 4th time? The raid person will pick up the attack at the first round last year and continue to select the player of this position after the free player’s big hand is reinvised.

Spron new coach Steve Wilks Select Reuse Rosen, but the victory is still awkward. However, this is the overall problem of the Puzzle team, not Rosen alone can solve. From the perspective of personal expression, Rosen has demonstrated a certain potential after the offensive front line of this alliance. He passed the ball completion rate of 55.6%, advanced 1072 yards, 5 times to reach, 6 were copied, and the passers were scored 69.9.

“This is like riding,” “D. J. CHARK) is represented. “As long as you do your own work, you can guarantee Nick to complete his work. As long as you pull the space, the ball will keep you in place. Almost like this.”

Even Manning I don’t know how many games he will play, but how much the arrival of Jones has changed. He is clear, if the performance is not good, “the situation will change.” When all stress is integrated, it will eventually arrive, but there is not these problems on at least the training ground.

In the case of reporting that the red foul received the trading consultation of the relevant type, Gridon and Mayick will intend to pick Murret on the trading. Or Is the Haskins be becoming their 4th time? Given that most scouts have previously helped the raids to pick four-point guards Derek Carr, pick four-point or may mean the need for confidentiality.

Pony does not recover the 4-dimensional Sarach’s $ 16.8 million bonus

Beijing on August 26th, Xiaoma hopes that the desire of the four-point guardian-Ru Luck (the desire to return money is not as high as the idea of ​​recovering money.

Americas tiger teammates are full of confidence in four-point 卫 Nik-Folos

Although the outside world is still questioned between Jacksonville American Tiger in Gardner Minshew and Nick Foles, it is full of confidence in Falls in the Jagu team. .

Cowboy President: The new season pays attention to the attack to protect Romo Health

Last Sarahs Diki saturated disease, especially the long-term lack of Tony Romo, directly caused cowboy to take a bleak record. Therefore, the new season cowboy is deeply aware of the importance of letting Romo to maintain health, Stephen Jones, Executive Vice President, Executive, Employed, in recent interviews, especially emphasized this.

“What is your question? He is the quarter-saving of the super bowl of champion,” KEELAN Cole “said. “Of course, we feel confident. His pass is just right. He learned to attack. He looked at everything. You can’t keep him,”

After the first game in the season, I only played the 10-speed attack, and Falls participated in the training in the past two weeks. From most of the description of his training, he looks like before, it can complete the long pass.

When interviewed by reporters, Manning said: “I don’t think I will have pressure. Now I have to go to the field (training). I will do my best every time I will be, it is also the same when the game, I hope this is enough to help us win the win & hellip; & hellip; I think you need to keep your previous attitude and look forward to the arrival of the best end. “

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On June 6th, although the first round of Sixth signed a rookie four-point satellite-Jones Daniel Jones, the official transplantation of the Giants insisted that Eli Manning is the first quarter. But in any case, Jones’ s existence proves that he is a no-two candidate in Mantun’s future.

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Bush is a player who slipped by the second side of the race at home. Shangxie Cliffland Brown Si Swan McCown is standing instable, shoulders hitting a table baffle, directly leading to its shoulder injury.

Recently, the ESPN reporter encountered the latest news. According to the Six, the Shern has begun to resume running, Nielsen himself said: “Everything is turning, everyone is inquiring that I will return to me, the doctor will give me an answer. The rest is unknown, but we know where to work, I will come back. “

Since 2007, Salabra is a team of the University of Alabama in 1991 and 1994 served as the Cleveland Brown defensive coordinator. He is the most famous confidant of Belipk, mainly because the two have the same habits in assessing the players & mdash; & mdash; focusing on the “key factors” that is very special per position and only examines the requirements.

On Sundays, the eagle over Sunday, the eagle defeated Denver wild horse, the score is a terrible 51 to 23, the whole game is ruled by the eagle, apparently these 51 points must be attributed to the team’s efficient offensive group.

It is a pity that the 49 people recorded in the season, only 2 wins and 14 losses. Compared with the righteous raids of the wind, 49 people can return to the country before returning to the country before the raid team is still unknown.

Recently, the wild horse horn Kris Harris (Chris Harris) reveals the reason why the opponent offense is efficient: “They used the university attack, and there is a little offensive traces of the chief. Their sportsball and pass are a number of options. They are doing reading defensive sports, Carson Wentz has done a lot of homework, such university offensive routine, and he is excellent. “

Nielsen is 30 years old, before Nelson injured, the packaging worker is considered a hot team in the 2015 season. Nielsen’s 2014 season completed 98 battles to advance 1519 yards, which is also a new high in his career.

The wild horses are not the team’s team’s team, and the eagle scores the fourth place in the Ranking League before the Sunday competition, and promotes the sixth place in the code number rankings. Their running balance is well done.

According to the reporter of NFL official website, Bush’s knee cross ligament is injured, which may lead to him in advance this season. He plans to accept the nuclear magnetic resonance check in recent days, and the specific situation will be announced after the examination. The 49-person number one running guards Carlos Hyde absent this week, and the new show of the first fireefruit was also injured in Mike Davis. Before leaving him 10 times, just advance 4 yards.

The crow offensive coordinator Greg Roman has said on Thursday: “We will continue to work hard to see how progress. There is no exact time arrangement, but I believe that as long as Desire continues to progress, it will become The key factor in the offensive group. “

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Although Bill Belichick has brought some trustworthy, he has some trustworthy. According to reports, Baileck will still consult the Nick Saban and the University of Nick Saban and the California University, CHIP Kelly advice.

Bryant career has played 114 games, only 3 of them did not complete the ball. The current data in the crow is not too considerable, and the 85th team ranking alliance is ranked third, and the 1114 yard ranking alliance is second.

On Monday on Monday, Linqi was asked to the future relocation of the raid, Lynch said: “Part of the situation is very good, we welcome the fans of the raid, they can see our games and training. However, the raid person is a very good signature, so even if there is still a way to move, there will be many people will go to Las Vegas to support them. “

“One thing that makes Bailech to become such a special coach, that is, he spare no effort to collect information,” Kelly said. “He always make sure that he has found an answer to each question before making a decision. He is doing everything and meticulous and he will always follow up.”

Kelly said during a short office of the NFL team, he has encouraged cheap jerseys From china Bailech. He failed to successfully imitate Bailechk on the professional stadium, and did not succeed in the University of California, Los Angeles. But he and Bailece are still intimate friends. Bellchk often contacts his advice.

49 Manager: Welcome the raid people to see 49 people

Auckland raids were allowed to relocate Las Vegas, and John Lynch, General Manager of San Francisco, started to attract raids, including letting them look at the game.

Running Bush ligament injury, or reimbursement

San Francisco 49 people run Wei Rigbush (Reggie Bush) look forward to getting more opportunities, but his expectation has not last too long. In the competition of 6-27, the Bush ran out of the side line in a discovery, but accidentally slipped near the stand. Subsequently, he retired in advance and failed to return to the game.1 month ago